News of a massive Almyran army mounting an attack on Fódlan's Locket has reached the Golden Deer. Standing with Claude, you ready yourself to defend Leicester with all the might of the Alliance.

link Shahid volume_up
Crush the enemy, reinforcements and all! Today we pry open the gates to Fódlan!
link Claude volume_up
Are you ready to send these troublemakers packing? Because I have a plan that'll do just that.
link Holst volume_up
Theoretically, I'm all ears—but first we need to do something about those soldiers closing in on us.
link Claude volume_up
Everyone buckle up! This stronghold is crucial to our defenses, and we can't let it fall!
link Raphael volume_up
Those Almyrans think they've got muscle? I'll show 'em muscle!
link Holst volume_up
Well fought, one and all! Now perhaps the Alliance representative would like to fill us in on his master plan?
link Holst volume_up
The drawbridges here can only be lowered from one side, so we should make sure it's safe by taking any strongholds in the vicinity.
link Claude volume_up
Right. Since the central approach is crawling with enemy soldiers, we'll start by capturing the strongholds to the north and south.
link Holst volume_up
The drawbridges here can only be lowered from one side, so we should make sure it's safe by taking any strongholds in the vicinity.
link Claude volume_up
Can I ask you to hold the center, Holst? You're the only one of us who can do it.
link Holst volume_up
Well, if it isn't Nader the Unstoppable! Are you ready to settle the score?
link Nader volume_up
For the last time, it's Nader the Undefeated— and I know you're doing that on purpose!
link Lysithea volume_up
One stronghold down, one to go.
link Shamir volume_up
Mind their flying units! Use arrows!
link Ignatz volume_up
Well, that's definitely working! Keep it up!
link Hilda volume_up
You better believe they felt that!
link Claude volume_up
Those troops at the center don't exactly have the highest morale. Once they realize we've got them flanked...
link Nader volume_up
Well, this is looking grim. Sorry, Prince Shahid, but we're losing ground. I'm falling back!
link Shahid volume_up
I never said you could retreat, Nader! Argh! Enough! All remaining troops, attack!
link Shahid volume_up
Who told the central force they could retreat? Argh! All remaining troops, attack!
link Claude volume_up
You see? Things are looking up already. Now we just have to go after their general!
link Leonie volume_up
They're scattering like leaves! Claude's strategies really are a cut above.
link Holst volume_up
And now we have the enemy surrounded. Brilliantly played, young Riegan!
link Shahid volume_up
They got behind us? Those impudent worms... Fine, then! I'll put them in the ground myself!
Shahid volume_up
You stand in the presence of Shahid the Great, next king of Almyra!
link Shahid volume_up
I thought I recognized you... You look just like my horror of a little brother!
link Claude volume_up
Then for your brother's sake and my own, it's time to put you in your place!
link Shahid volume_up
You fight well—for a pack of brutes!
link Shahid volume_up
No! I won't lose to these...these rats!
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
General Holst! We need help!
link Hilda volume_up
Hurry! We have to save our knights!
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
You'll not defeat me so easily!
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
Ngh... Why...
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
That was close. My thanks for your aid!
link Hilda volume_up
Good thing we made it in time!
link Hilda volume_up
We're too late... I'm so sorry, everyone! We'll avenge you!
Nader volume_up
I'm souring on this whole affair... But if it's a fight you want, I'm your man!
link Claude volume_up
Sounds like Nader could probably be coaxed off the battlefield—I mean, unless you really want to have a crack at him.
link Nader volume_up
The nerve of this one!
link Holst volume_up
If you keep holding back, Nader, you'll have to retire that overblown title of yours!
link Nader volume_up
I'm Nader the Undefeated because I know when it's smart to run—and I'll come back to end you when I damn well feel like it!
link Nader volume_up
It's your call, kiddo—but if you value your neck, I suggest you stay far away from me.
link Claude volume_up
And here I was just thinking I'd give my fighting skill a test. If it looks like we can't handle you, we'll come up with another way!
link Shahid volume_up
Are you holding our troops back? Deploy them now! All of them!
link Lorenz volume_up
That is the end of their messenger—and the reinforcements.
??? volume_up
Follow Prince Shahid! We'll trample those brutes into the dust from whence they came!
link Lorenz volume_up
We have more enemies incoming!
link Claude volume_up
This isn't good... Protect the Locket!
link Claude volume_up
No! The Locket has fallen! Nothing can stop the Almyrans from invading Fódlan now...