In order to launch an assault on Enbarr, you must first break through Hevring territory. But an old adversary bars your way...


  • A Trick of the Goddess
  • Do What Can Be Done
  • Battle on the Horizon
  • Clash
  • Sacrifice
  • Destinies (Azure Gleam)
  • Jeralt's Mercenaries (Azure Gleam)
  • The Vow
  • New Allies (Azure Gleam)
  • To the Final Battle
  • A Night of Wonder: Part 1
  • A Night of Wonder: Part 2
  • The Ashen Wolves' Reunion: Part 1
  • The Ashen Wolves' Reunion: Part 2
  • Battle

  • The Conquest of Hevring
  • Villages in Peril
  • Charge into Enemy Territory
  • The Bandit Stronghold
  • Intel on the Imperial Army
  • An Ambush from the Shadows
  • The Way to Hevring
  • Scramble for the Strongholds
  • Explore
