Following their rout at Ailell, the Imperial army attempts to fall back to Garreg Mach. Your forces give chase, hoping to stop them before they arrive.


  • The Absent Emperor
  • Rear Guard
  • Pursuit (Azure Gleam)
  • The Puppet Master
  • Thirst for Vengeance (Azure Gleam)
  • Getting Away
  • Heaven and Earth: Azure Gleam
  • Death of the Demon (Azure Gleam)
  • Opportunity
  • The Missing Emperor
  • Battle

  • The Chase to Garreg Mach
  • Stamp Out the Survivors
  • Save the Alliance Army
  • Bandit Raid
  • A Sudden Insurrection
  • Brigands in Siward
  • Cover the Combat Engineers
  • Establish a Bridgehead
  • Explore
