The Federation army makes landfall in Kingdom territory, and you set off for Fhirdiad at once. However, an enemy stronghold stands between you and your goal.


  • The Sword Swings Wide
  • Two Against One
  • Voyage
  • The Shield of Faerghus (Golden Wildfire)
  • Brute Force
  • War's End
  • The Margrave
  • Cycles of Nostalgia: Part 1
  • Cycles of Nostalgia: Part 2
  • Coming Clean: Part 1
  • Coming Clean: Part 2
  • Battle

  • Invasion of the Northern Kingdom
  • Secure a Naval Retreat
  • Eliminate the Pirates
  • Battle on the Coast
  • Free-For-All
  • Breach Fraldarius Territory
  • Eliminate Bandits at Conand Tower
  • Explore
