The Federation army arrives at Fhirdiad, the Kingdom Capital. Claude launches a fierce attack on the city in hopes of forcing King Dimitri to surrender.


  • Two Kings
  • A Better Way
  • Another King's Choice
  • Fhirdiad, the Battlefield
  • The Wyvern and the Lion
  • Tumultuous News (Golden Wildfire)
  • Flown the Coop
  • The Ashen Wolves' Reunion: Part 1
  • The Ashen Wolves' Reunion: Part 2
  • Battle

  • The Battle for Fhirdiad
  • Maintain Public Order
  • Secure the Supply Line
  • The Pirates Return
  • Bandit Alliance
  • Avenging Army
  • Rescue the Scouts
  • Recon in Fhirdiad
  • Explore
