Marching south into Empire territory, the Alliance forces arrive at Gronder Field. A showdown with Count Bergliez, the Empire's mightiest general, seems imminent.


  • A Contest of Beasts
  • The Roundtable's Next Play
  • On the Verge of Collapse
  • The Might of Bergliez
  • Field of the Eagle and Lion
  • Even Match
  • Sothis: Golden Wildfire
  • A Sudden Retreat
  • When It Rains, It Pours
  • Throne of Knowledge (Golden Wildfire)
  • Father and Child (Golden Wildfire)
  • A Worthy Rival
  • Seeking a Way
  • Right Where They're Wanted: Part 1
  • Right Where They're Wanted: Part 2
  • Battle

  • The Battle at Gronder Field
  • Evacuate Imperiled Citizens
  • Launch an Ambush
  • Hands-On Training
  • March for Gronder Field
  • Seize the Abandoned Castle
  • Explore
