The Imperial army clashes with the Knights of Seiros in Ailell, the Valley of Torment. After learning of the battle that rages there, you are faced with a difficult decision.


  • The End of the Alliance
  • The Leicester Federation
  • The Next Step
  • The Pact (Golden Wildfire)
  • A Stunning Report
  • The King's Choice
  • Ideal Outcome
  • Backlash
  • Unsettling Truths: Part 1
  • Unsettling Truths: Part 2
  • Battle

  • Clash at Ailell
  • Clash with the Knights of Seiros
  • Defend the Border Stronghold
  • Save the Imperial Army
  • Mission in the Mountains
  • Unrest in Siward
  • Seize Albany Territory
  • Explore
