The Empire moves forward with its invasion of the Kingdom, trusting in its pact with the Alliance. But before you can strike at the heart of Faerghus, you must first traverse Ailell, the Valley of Torment.


  • A Clash of Ambitions
  • Torment of the Eagle and Lion
  • The Road to the Final Battle
  • Holy War
  • The Enemy's Aim
  • The Decision
  • The Ambitious Scheme
  • Before the Final Battle
  • Four Banners
  • Heaven and Earth: Scarlet Blaze
  • Death of the Demon (Scarlet Blaze)
  • A New Ally
  • The Absent Archbishop
  • Pursuit (Scarlet Blaze)
  • Battle

  • Showdown at Ailell
  • Showdown at Ailell: Scarlet Blaze
  • Rout the Attacking Knights
  • Chaos in Albany
  • The Alliance Army's Reinforcements
  • Ride for Charon
  • Defend Daphnel Territory
  • Secure the Ambush Point
  • Eliminate the Scouts
  • Explore
