Arianrhod is under siege by the Kingdom army. You have no choice but to double back in order to prevent the fortress from falling into enemy hands.


  • The Maiden's Peril
  • Back on Track
  • Weathervane
  • A Lord's Pride
  • Crisis at Arianrhod
  • Loss
  • Reflect and Realign
  • To Enbarr
  • The Seiros Snare: Part 1
  • The Seiros Snare: Part 2
  • A Noble Among Nobles: Part 1
  • A Noble Among Nobles: Part 2
  • Mercenary Complications: Part 1
  • Mercenary Complications: Part 2
  • Battle

  • The Defense of the Silver Maiden
  • Profit While Others War
  • Cover the Rowe Soldiers
  • Reclaim the Stronghold
  • Rematch at Magdred
  • Defend Castle Gaspard
  • Keep the Peace
  • Explore
