1. And that's that.
  2. Maybe I should've held back.
  3. Just as I thought.
  4. You could've done better.
  5. You fought well.
  6. The stronghold's ours.
  7. Location secure.
  8. This stronghold could be important.
  9. This win is mine.
  10. This was a great chance for growth.
  11. Thanks, Jeralt. Let's do this again sometime.
  12. You were a powerful foe.
  13. I can't believe I won.
  14. <<<EMPTY>>>
  15. <<<EMPTY>>>
  16. <<<EMPTY>>>
  17. <<<EMPTY>>>
  18. <<<EMPTY>>>
  19. Sorry about this. Nothing personal.
  20. You're nothing compared to Jeralt.
  21. <<<EMPTY>>>
  22. <<<EMPTY>>>
  23. <<<EMPTY>>>
  24. There's no turning back now.
  25. I won't hold back, no matter who I face.
  26. Nothing wrong with putting in a little [cdb]extra work.
  27. Am I really this strong?
  28. I need a hand over here.
  29. I can't take much more!
  30. Thanks for the assist.
  31. Thanks, friend.
  32. Thanks for the rescue.
  33. I apologize for making you come to my aid.
  34. You have some skill.
  35. That's the way.
  36. You have great skill.
  37. You never fail to impress.
  38. You've grown.
  39. Nothing better than working for a [cdb]skilled employer.
  40. Well done, Alois.
  41. As impressive as ever, Jeralt.
  42. I see there's a reason they call you the best [cdb]knights in Fódlan.
  43. I'm glad you enjoyed yourself, Sothis.
  44. <<<EMPTY>>>
  45. <<<EMPTY>>>
  46. <<<EMPTY>>>
  47. <<<EMPTY>>>
  48. You control your power well.
  49. You're doing even better than usual.
  50. <<<EMPTY>>>
  51. <<<EMPTY>>>
  52. <<<EMPTY>>>
  53. A magnificent achievement—and not an [cdb]easy one.
  54. That's not an achievement easily won.
  55. I can hardly believe how much you've grown.
  56. A feat worthy of song.
  57. Impressive, Sothis—but I feel you can do [cdb]even more.
  58. <<<EMPTY>>>
  59. <<<EMPTY>>>
  60. You've grown so much since first we met.
  61. I should model my own performance [cdb]after you.
  62. <<<EMPTY>>>
  63. <<<EMPTY>>>
  64. <<<EMPTY>>>
  65. Your rampage ends here.
  66. I must blunt the enemy's progress.
  67. I know good work when I see it, even from [cdb]a foe.
  68. I don't like having to fight you.
  69. This is going to be tough.
  70. Prepare to lay siege.
  71. Prepare defenses.
  72. We'll be in trouble if the stronghold falls.
  73. Our stronghold has fallen. We must pull back.
  74. This is my job.
  75. I won't yield.
  76. This must be done. Forgive me.
  77. I'll grant you a merciful end.
  78. Let's finish this.
  79. I'll show you no mercy, no matter your station.
  80. I'll fight with all I have, Jeralt!
  81. It's too late to hesitate, Alois.
  82. You seem skilled, in your own way.
  83. Jeralt never warned me the archbishop might [cdb]take up arms...
  84. Then we're to fight, Sothis? Very well.
  85. <<<EMPTY>>>
  86. <<<EMPTY>>>
  87. <<<EMPTY>>>
  88. The job is done.
  89. There's no point in continuing here.
  90. Only one choice left now...
  91. We should fall back for now.
  92. I'm backing off for now, but I'll return.
  93. Perhaps my power can be of use.
  94. Time to see what your coin has paid for!
  95. Once more into the fray.
  96. A fresh start.
  97. Sorry, but I have to withdraw.
  98. Time to go to work.
  99. I'll handle this like any other job.
  100. Everyone, with me!
  101. No time for detours—get in and get out.
  102. I'll do whatever it takes to see this through.
  103. Time to get out of here.
  104. We can't afford to lose here.
  105. I'll give it my all.
  106. My job is to ensure we emerge victorious.
  107. So it's begun.
  108. I must remain vigilant.
  109. Another battle survived.
  110. I can't relax just yet.
  111. Rescue complete.
  112. Looks like we held out.
  113. We should be safe now.
  114. This victory will have far-reaching [cdb]consequences...
  115. No choice but to accept defeat.
  116. Is this what it means...to die? Strange...
  117. The tide of battle flows with us.
  118. They won't let victory come easily.
  119. We can push onward.
  120. Our advance is stalled.
  121. Forward!
  122. Providing support.
  123. I'll help you out.
  124. Move up.
  125. Go provide support.
  126. Head over and rescue them.
  127. Hold this position.
  128. Sorry, but I need help.
  129. I have a plan. Will you help me?
  130. Sorry, but I could use your assistance.
  131. Can you help me out?
  132. Apologies, but I need your help.
  133. Now's our chance!
  134. Our spirits are low...
  135. Initiating the operation.
  136. Let's go, everyone.
  137. My work is done.
  138. What next?
  139. I can't keep this up...
  140. I didn't train hard enough.
  141. This will be a boon to our cause.
  142. I wasn't strong enough...
  143. Let's begin.
  144. That went well.
  145. Forgive me. I failed.
  146. We should deal with that at once.