1. Don't hold this against me.
  2. Unlucky for you.
  3. I can't stop now.
  4. This is the road I chose.
  5. I will carve a path for His Majesty.
  6. The area is ours.
  7. We've taken control.
  8. Let's put this to good use.
  9. No matter the opponent, my duty is clear.
  10. Your Majesty! What has taken hold of me?
  11. I won't go quietly. Not against you.
  12. I am His Majesty's guardian. I will not lose to [cdb]a knight.
  13. I too have a duty to fulfill.
  14. Surpassing you brings me great pride.
  15. The legend of your thunder reaches far and [cdb]wide. I knew I would someday learn the truth [cdb]of it firsthand.
  16. <<<EMPTY>>>
  17. <<<EMPTY>>>
  18. <<<EMPTY>>>
  19. A fine fight.
  20. Impressive. No wonder King Lambert [cdb]trusted you.
  21. I will cut down anyone who has wronged His Majesty. That is my duty.
  22. <<<EMPTY>>>
  23. <<<EMPTY>>>
  24. I've won...
  25. It had to be done.
  26. I've been of some use.
  27. None will stand before me.
  28. I would appreciate some help.
  29. This will not be my end. Someone, help me.
  30. I will return the favor in kind.
  31. You came for me... Thank you.
  32. You have my thanks, Your Majesty.
  33. Once again you've saved my life. How can I [cdb]ever hope to repay this debt?
  34. Fine work.
  35. Keep it up.
  36. Don't push yourself too hard, Your Majesty.
  37. You've done well, Your Majesty.
  38. Not bad.
  39. It's a relief to have you on our side.
  40. Few knights can do what you do.
  41. You've come far, Mercedes.
  42. I have much to learn from you, Catherine.
  43. The Shield of Faerghus, indeed.
  44. <<<EMPTY>>>
  45. <<<EMPTY>>>
  46. <<<EMPTY>>>
  47. <<<EMPTY>>>
  48. I'm glad we can rely on you.
  49. I must follow your lead, Your Majesty.
  50. We would be lost without you.
  51. You are the beating heart of this army, Ingrid.
  52. <<<EMPTY>>>
  53. I didn't know you had it in you.
  54. There are none as gallant as you, Your Majesty.
  55. You make a fine warrior.
  56. No wonder His Majesty chose you as one of [cdb]his knights.
  57. You always come through when it counts.
  58. I hope to someday match your strength.
  59. <<<EMPTY>>>
  60. Excellent. I see now why His Majesty [cdb]trusts you so.
  61. I am proud to fight beside you, Your Majesty.
  62. Your zeal is an inspiration to us all. Myself included.
  63. I always know you have my back.
  64. <<<EMPTY>>>
  65. Not good.
  66. We can't underestimate them.
  67. Defeat is not an option.
  68. No enemy will surpass me.
  69. My chances are slim.
  70. Grant them no mercy.
  71. Don't let them in.
  72. We can't afford to lose this stronghold.
  73. So it's fallen. Our fate is sealed.
  74. Come then.
  75. Underestimate me at your peril.
  76. Attack with everything you have.
  77. I am your opponent today.
  78. Show me your strength.
  79. Forgive me, Your Majesty.
  80. Let's see what you're made of, Felix.
  81. I must surpass you.
  82. So be it. To battle.
  83. When I strike you down...know that I do this [cdb]for me.
  84. You've earned my contempt. This is your [cdb]reward.
  85. <<<EMPTY>>>
  86. <<<EMPTY>>>
  87. <<<EMPTY>>>
  88. That should be enough.
  89. I must fall back.
  90. I have no excuse.
  91. At times, retreat is a viable strategy.
  92. Hold fast while I'm gone. I will return.
  93. I'll be joining you.
  94. No matter the fight, my duty remains [cdb]the same.
  95. I'm here to redeem my past failure.
  96. The true battle starts now!
  97. There is still someone I need to protect. I must retreat for now.
  98. Advance.
  99. We know what we must do.
  100. For His Majesty's honor.
  101. I will not let you die.
  102. Hold strong. I'm here to defend you.
  103. Retreat. Don't throw your lives away here.
  104. If we can emerge victorious...
  105. Onward. To victory.
  106. I must see everyone safe.
  107. You won't have your way.
  108. I must stop you. I'm sorry.
  109. And now our next task begins.
  110. I'm still standing.
  111. And not a moment too soon.
  112. Position secured.
  113. We finally escaped.
  114. So... It's over.
  115. The blame lies with me.
  116. Forgive me, Your Majesty. You must...live on.
  117. Don't relent!
  118. They have us on the back foot.
  119. Now we can proceed.
  120. There's no path forward.
  121. Come with me.
  122. I will be your shield.
  123. Allow me to help.
  124. Move in.
  125. Assist them.
  126. Rescue them at once.
  127. We need you to defend.
  128. I will wait for my rescue.
  129. Apologies, but I would appreciate some help.
  130. I can't die here. Please, help me.
  131. It pains me to ask you for help, Your Majesty. But I need it.
  132. My apologies, Your Majesty. I need your help.
  133. Our victory is assured!
  134. I have to turn this around.
  135. Let's begin.
  136. It's time to move.
  137. Success.
  138. I hope it was enough.
  139. I fell short.
  140. No... I've failed.
  141. This should give us an edge.
  142. Our plan has failed.
  143. Let's go.
  144. Great.
  145. No...
  146. This can't stand.