1. Insignificant vermin.
  2. How delightful.
  3. <<<EMPTY>>>
  4. <<<EMPTY>>>
  5. <<<EMPTY>>>
  6. I've suppressed them.
  7. This will be useful.
  8. <<<EMPTY>>>
  9. You will also be my prey!
  10. No. I won't kill you.
  11. You can do more... You can be better!
  12. <<<EMPTY>>>
  13. <<<EMPTY>>>
  14. <<<EMPTY>>>
  15. <<<EMPTY>>>
  16. <<<EMPTY>>>
  17. <<<EMPTY>>>
  18. <<<EMPTY>>>
  19. You are all maggots in the end—and you [cdb]bore me.
  20. <<<EMPTY>>>
  21. <<<EMPTY>>>
  22. <<<EMPTY>>>
  23. <<<EMPTY>>>
  24. You cease to amuse me.
  25. <<<EMPTY>>>
  26. A mountain of corpses is not enough to [cdb]quench this thirst...
  27. Who will be the one to end my life?
  28. Yes...yes! Delicious pain!
  29. Make me taste death!
  30. Such unnecessary meddling.
  31. <<<EMPTY>>>
  32. <<<EMPTY>>>
  33. <<<EMPTY>>>
  34. Interesting... Perhaps you are the one.
  35. <<<EMPTY>>>
  36. <<<EMPTY>>>
  37. <<<EMPTY>>>
  38. Will bathing in your blood satisfy me, Mercedes?
  39. You would take my prey?
  40. I regret not fighting you to the death.
  41. <<<EMPTY>>>
  42. <<<EMPTY>>>
  43. <<<EMPTY>>>
  44. <<<EMPTY>>>
  45. <<<EMPTY>>>
  46. <<<EMPTY>>>
  47. <<<EMPTY>>>
  48. <<<EMPTY>>>
  49. <<<EMPTY>>>
  50. <<<EMPTY>>>
  51. <<<EMPTY>>>
  52. <<<EMPTY>>>
  53. What greed.
  54. <<<EMPTY>>>
  55. How I yearn to kill you, Mercedes!
  56. Perhaps your blade can end my life!
  57. <<<EMPTY>>>
  58. <<<EMPTY>>>
  59. <<<EMPTY>>>
  60. <<<EMPTY>>>
  61. <<<EMPTY>>>
  62. <<<EMPTY>>>
  63. <<<EMPTY>>>
  64. <<<EMPTY>>>
  65. A futile struggle.
  66. <<<EMPTY>>>
  67. Finally, someone with backbone!
  68. <<<EMPTY>>>
  69. Yes... Show me death!
  70. I will bring that obstacle down.
  71. You will go no further.
  72. We lose if that land falls.
  73. This was a delight—but now I retreat!
  74. You disgust me.
  75. <<<EMPTY>>>
  76. Delight me!
  77. <<<EMPTY>>>
  78. If you choose to stand in my way...
  79. I show no mercy—not even to you.
  80. Taste my blade!
  81. <<<EMPTY>>>
  82. <<<EMPTY>>>
  83. <<<EMPTY>>>
  84. <<<EMPTY>>>
  85. <<<EMPTY>>>
  86. <<<EMPTY>>>
  87. <<<EMPTY>>>
  88. Mission complete.
  89. Such power... We will meet again one day!
  90. My fun is over. Let this be the end.
  91. This is not the end. Be ready.
  92. We step aside—for now.
  93. Amuse me!
  94. I hope you entertain me, warrior!
  95. Entertain me again!
  96. Heh... A rematch.
  97. So this is death... Finally...I know delight.
  98. Let us dance the waltz of hell!
  99. <<<EMPTY>>>
  100. <<<EMPTY>>>
  101. I will cut through the depths of hell itself!
  102. Defense? What tedium.
  103. Must we retreat?
  104. All I desire is to duel to the death with the powerful.
  105. So long as I can kill the powerful, I am satisfied.
  106. Amusing... Perhaps it's worth killing you [cdb]after all.
  107. Come. Entertain me.
  108. Which of us will die this day?
  109. Who will be the one to destroy me?
  110. <<<EMPTY>>>
  111. That battle was folly.
  112. Did we protect them?
  113. Good enough.
  114. The battle is over. And yet...
  115. To lose and yet draw breath... What idiocy.
  116. I await you in the depths of hell...
  117. I need more prey!
  118. They hold us back.
  119. This is good.
  120. An obstacle? Clever.
  121. Come.
  122. They need aid.
  123. Give me prey.
  124. March.
  125. Help. Now.
  126. Save them.
  127. Guard that spot.
  128. Yes... Make me bleed!
  129. Good. Help me.
  130. Hurry up and help me!
  131. <<<EMPTY>>>
  132. <<<EMPTY>>>
  133. None can stop me!
  134. Rrgh... You impudent...
  135. So we begin.
  136. <<<EMPTY>>>
  137. A trivial matter.
  138. <<<EMPTY>>>
  139. Hrmph! Interrupted.
  140. <<<EMPTY>>>
  141. That was nothing.
  142. <<<EMPTY>>>
  143. It's time.
  144. Pathetic.
  145. We failed.
  146. Time to deal with this.