1. How could I allow myself...
  2. To be bested by such a despicable beast as this one?
  3. I need to get this flesh underground...
  4. So it's true...
  5. You really are from Shambhala!
  6. Forgive me for this, Solon. But without your sacrifice, [cdb]this world can never be made clean.
  7. O great Zahras, veil of night fluttering in the abyss! By the laws [cdb]of creation, throw wide your infernal gates and swallow my foes!
  8. So, you've come here to strike me down yourself. I thought you a smarter foe than that, Edelgard.
  9. Really? You think you'll win this fight?
  10. The upper hand is clearly mine in this moment. All I have to do is buy some time.
  11. So you say. Then I suppose I must test your resolve.
  12. Not so fast, you two. I don't wanna miss all the fun!
  13. I wouldn't say no. So what do you want to do?
  14. This power, it's...