- Why are they sending you to work, Your Majesty?
This'll make it a lot harder to slack off... Unless that's
[cdb]the whole point?!
- That's enough talk. Let us begin.
- <<<EMPTY>>>
- <<<EMPTY>>>
- See, even I can be useful sometimes! I probably
[cdb]could've gotten away with doing less, actually.
- I've never once doubted your utility, Sylvain.
Do not be so quick to belittle yourself.
- Wow, this is great! I wish all the food in Faerghus was
[cdb]a little more like this stuff.
- I wonder, why is our cuisine so unappealing? Is it the
[cdb]spices we use? Or perhaps the ingredients themselves?
- <<<EMPTY>>>
- <<<EMPTY>>>
- Urgh, I have to train with His Majesty today? Can't I
[cdb]just pretend I did and take a nap instead?
- Come now, I won't hurt you. Much.