1. Forgive me, Mercedes. I am nothing but a horrible [cdb]burden on your kind soul.
  2. You know that's not true. Now come on, let's do a [cdb]little work!
  3. Come, Mercedes! It's time the world learns what the [cdb]two of us can do when we combine our powers!
  4. Well, isn't someone excited. Don't hurt yourself!
  5. I think we both deserve a good pat on the back after [cdb]that, don't you think?
  6. You are most deserving of a pat, yes. I, on the other [cdb]hand...
  7. Yes, pats all around! The two of us can never fail, so [cdb]long as we're together!
  8. Why don't we finish our meal with some tea? I made [cdb]us dessert as well.
  9. Oh, yes! There are few things in this world more [cdb]delightful than a fresh-baked dessert from Mercedes [cdb]herself! Have you ever had one?
  10. <<<EMPTY>>>
  11. <<<EMPTY>>>
  12. I fear I could never live with myself were my hand [cdb]to slip and I to harm you in some way.
  13. Oh, don't worry about that! All we can do is try our [cdb]hardest, Constance.