1. What a magnificent opportunity, dear sister. Show me [cdb]all you are capable of. Hold nothing back!
  2. Ugh, I can't slack off when you're around. Guess I'll [cdb]have to actually do some work.
  3. <<<EMPTY>>>
  4. <<<EMPTY>>>
  5. Dear sister, you have once again demonstrated your [cdb]excellence. You've done your big brother proud!
  6. It just happened to go well. Stop giving me so much [cdb]credit.
  7. Nothing is more joyous than a friend treating me to a [cdb]meal and getting to enjoy it with my beloved sister.
  8. Right, but can we not do this whole "beloved sister" [cdb]thing in front of other people? It's so embarrassing...
  9. <<<EMPTY>>>
  10. <<<EMPTY>>>
  11. I shall carry my beloved sister on my shoulders to [cdb]strengthen my legs!
  12. Uh, how about no. Just carry a boulder or something.