1. This isn't good. It seems the fortress gates have been [cdb]partially breached.
  2. The Kingdom's soldiers are pouring into Arianrhod.
  3. Does that make us right on time or a bit too late?
  4. Dimitri is no ordinary king if he managed to pry a [cdb]citadel like this apart.
  5. I assume our soldiers stand ready?
  6. We go on your command.
  7. We go on your command.
  8. If we dally too long, some of our officers and troops [cdb]are likely to surrender to the enemy.
  9. That includes Count Rowe, who has a most notorious [cdb]sense of self-preservation.
  10. Yeah, him and every other noble...
  11. Yeah, him and every other noble...
  12. Come now, that is simply not true.
  13. Why, take me, for example! I am the perfect [cdb]embodiment of what every noble should aspire [cdb]to be!
  14. You can tell us all about it later, Ferdinand. Everyone, move out!