1. Everywhere you turn you see another gruesome sight. Look what they've done to the homes, the fields... the people.
  2. These bandits are like rats. They're nothing alone, [cdb]but if you let 'em band together...
  3. I've been here before. It was a long time ago, sure, [cdb]but I can't believe this is all that's left.
  4. I've been here before. It was a long time ago, sure, [cdb]but I can't believe this is all that's left.
  5. Apparently, the first thing they did was find and kill Viscount Hrym's stand-in, along with the rest of the [cdb]local magistrates.
  6. With no one in charge, the bandits have taken free [cdb]rein of the place.
  7. Assassinations, too? They've cut us deep indeed.
  8. But why were they killing the leaders instead of [cdb]taking them hostage? Are they not wanting control [cdb]of the land?
  9. It would seem their interest is little more than [cdb]unadulterated chaos.
  10. Someone clearly does not wish Fódlan to be united [cdb]beneath the Empire's flag.
  11. This is a sick way to show it—though I imagine [cdb]there is a method to their madness.
  12. Even I won't let myself run away from a situation [cdb]like this!
  13. We need to restore order as quickly as possible and [cdb]return to the Kingdom front.
  14. Once I've brought an end to the war, I will never [cdb]permit something this ghastly to happen again.