1. And here I'd thought we won.
  2. And here I'd thought we won.
  3. As did I.
  4. Who knew the Ashen Demon had that kinda [cdb]strength?
  5. Who knew the Ashen Demon had that kinda [cdb]strength?
  6. Not that I'm making excuses. You gave me power of [cdb]my own and it still wasn't close to enough.
  7. Not that I'm making excuses. You gave me power of [cdb]my own and it still wasn't close to enough.
  8. That's not true.
  9. Of course it is! What am I even up against here?
  10. Of course it is! What am I even up against here?
  11. It's like I looked away for one second and suddenly I was facing someone else entirely.
  12. It's like I looked away for one second and suddenly I was facing someone else entirely.
  13. Hmm, that would explain what was troubling me [cdb]before. That is the unique danger I sensed.
  14. Still, you can win this fight. I know you can!
  15. And I'll do whatever I can to make it so. We'll claim [cdb]victory over that monster together!
  16. Take courage from Arval's words.
  17. Give in to defeat.
  18. You know what? You're right. I'll be strong enough [cdb]one day if I just keep at it.
  19. You know what? You're right. I'll be strong enough [cdb]one day if I just keep at it.
  20. Still, "one day" could be years from now at this rate. We should probably think of a backup plan.
  21. Still, "one day" could be years from now at this rate. We should probably think of a backup plan.
  22. Thanks, but let's face it—I'm outclassed.
  23. Thanks, but let's face it—I'm outclassed.
  24. Maybe it's time we give up this obsession and start [cdb]looking for a different way forward.
  25. Maybe it's time we give up this obsession and start [cdb]looking for a different way forward.
  26. Besides, Dimitri said they might even be working [cdb]for the Kingdom before long.
  27. Besides, Dimitri said they might even be working [cdb]for the Kingdom before long.
  28. We can't count on being rivals forever.
  29. We can't count on being rivals forever.
  30. What a shocking turn of events. You'd seriously [cdb]consider accepting that fiend as one of your allies?
  31. You make it sound like the worst idea in the world.
  32. You make it sound like the worst idea in the world.
  33. We have a war to win here, remember. Gotta keep an [cdb]open mind.
  34. We have a war to win here, remember. Gotta keep an [cdb]open mind.
  35. Ah, I understand now. You've witnessed your [cdb]adversary's true strength, and convinced yourself [cdb]you cannot win.
  36. What? No! I just know a valuable resource when I [cdb]see one—and we're far better off with them than [cdb]we are against them.
  37. What? No! I just know a valuable resource when I [cdb]see one—and we're far better off with them than [cdb]we are against them.
  38. If that's really how you feel, then so be it.
  39. But trust me, you don't need to worry. You'll get [cdb]stronger soon, I promise.
  40. So maybe don't go relinquishing your prey just yet.
  41. After all, I desire nothing more than to see you [cdb]achieve your goals.
  42. Nrgh...
  43. Nrgh...