1. Hey, Marianne! You were really doing great during [cdb]those drills today!
  2. Oh, um...
  3. I'm heading over to the mess hall, you wanna join? After all that training this morning and no break, I'm starving!
  4. ...
  5. Oh, sorry, I forgot. You like to eat alone, right?
  6. Then don't worry about it. I'll find someone else.
  7. No! I'd... I'd like to accompany you. If you would [cdb]have me, that is.
  8. You sure? All right then, let's go. I wonder what's on [cdb]the menu today.
  9. Oh man that was good. I feel alive again!
  10. Yes, that was nice.
  11. By the way, why'd you decide to come along with me?
  12. What do you mean?
  13. You usually sit by yourself. I thought you didn't [cdb]like eating with others.
  14. Sometimes I see you eating with Hilda, but I figured [cdb]that's 'cause she makes you do it, right?
  15. Yes, I do feel more comfortable when I'm alone.
  16. I haven't been around people much, so I don't [cdb]normally know what to say in conversations.
  17. Well now I'm even more curious why you decided to [cdb]eat with me.
  18. Well...
  19. You have a strange power, right? It makes you [cdb]transform...or something like that.
  20. Yeah. You curious about it?
  21. It's not so much that. I, um, wondered if you despised [cdb]having it.
  22. No, not at all.
  23. Yeah, it's aggravating.
  24. Nah, I don't even give it much thought. And besides, [cdb]my power's come in handy a few times.
  25. It does bother me, but I can't really put my finger [cdb]on why.
  26. I know it makes people suspicious of me, and curious [cdb]about my background, but that's just how people are.
  27. And yet you always have such a sunny disposition, [cdb]and everyone here respects you.
  28. I wondered why that was...
  29. I mean, I sure hope they respect me. So that's why [cdb]you wanted to join me?
  30. I wanted to know how I could be like you.
  31. Like me? But Marianne, it's not like you have some [cdb]mysterious power tucked away, right?
  32. No... I don't.
  33. If you just wanna make friends with people, [cdb]then you don't need to think so hard about it.
  34. It's not like anyone here hates you.
  35. Don't they? I'm so useless.
  36. Hey, you're a huge help to all of us. I mean that. So you don't have to force yourself to act like [cdb]someone you're not, OK?
  37. All right... Thank you for saying that.