1. ...
  2. Bah! Why are you always doing that?!
  3. A question, if I may. Have you had any further [cdb]contact with our slithering friends since that day?
  4. Not in the slightest. Why, do you know something?
  5. Yes, actually, what with the riots in Hrym territory [cdb]and the former Duke Aegir's attempted rebellion.
  6. Thanks to that we now have a lead on the insurgents [cdb]within the Empire as well as those who slither in [cdb]the dark.
  7. Speaking to the latter, I also tried to determine if [cdb]they had been attempting to reach you, or otherwise [cdb]thought you an ally.
  8. But at present it seems neither is the case. Regrettably.
  9. Complain about his suspicion of you.
  10. Sympathize with his doubt.
  11. "At present"? You still don't trust me, do you?
  12. And our conversations? The future of the Empire? Promoting commoners?
  13. I would've hoped you'd ease up at least a little after [cdb]all that.
  14. You and I have been talking a lot lately, Hubert. About the future of the Empire. Promoting [cdb]commoners.
  15. I would've hoped I'd earned your trust by now, [cdb]but I guess that's not how this thing goes.
  16. Not to say I don't get where you're coming from. The emperor's right-hand man can't afford to let [cdb]his guard down.
  17. Believe me, it brings me no joy, and in fact some [cdb]guilt, to doubt you so. But I must be prepared for any [cdb]eventuality.
  18. When needs must, I have made even my greatest [cdb]enemy feel as though they are a trusted friend.
  19. Yet at times I have also shown extreme suspicion [cdb]towards those who were in all manners undeserving [cdb]of it.
  20. Yeah, I get it. Keep your cards close to the chest. Never let them know what you're actually thinking.
  21. You really are something, you know that? I'm just [cdb]glad we're on the same side.
  22. I must admit, I only tell you all this because I do, [cdb]in fact, consider you deserving of my trust.
  23. Even if you were once connected to those who slither [cdb]in the dark, that is clearly behind you now.
  24. So believe me when I say I have the utmost [cdb]confidence in you.
  25. Seems unlikely.
  26. That's nice of him to say.
  27. After what you just told me, I think I'm actually more [cdb]worried now. I bet that's not how you really feel.
  28. Heh. I get the feeling that any attempt I make at [cdb]explanation will only dig myself further into this hole.
  29. Not sure how much you really mean that, but I'm [cdb]glad to hear you say it, at least. Thanks, Hubert.
  30. How very diplomatic. Just the response I would have [cdb]expected from you.
  31. Enough on that, though. Our problem now is what [cdb]lurks beneath your mind's veneer.
  32. What do you mean?
  33. I can sense another you, bubbling away behind the [cdb]one you present to the world. Call it...intuition.
  34. What really worries me is that you may one day shed [cdb]this husk you bear now and become that someone else [cdb]entirely.
  35. ...
  36. Another me, huh?
  37. Well I appreciate the concern, but even if that [cdb]someone does exist, I won't let them overtake me. I mean, c'mon.
  38. I'd shove that other me right back where they came [cdb]from and earn your trust once and for all.
  39. Though just so we're clear, I don't think you have [cdb]anything to worry about.
  40. Very well. I suppose I will have to take your word... for now.
  41. In any case, I hope that as we inscribe Fódlan's [cdb]new future, we do so with you by our side.