1. Regular Attack
  2. Regular Attack II
  3. Regular Attack III
  4. Regular Attack IV
  5. Strong Attack
  6. Strong Attack II
  7. Strong Attack III
  8. Strong Attack IV
  9. Class Action
  10. Class Action II
  11. Class Action III
  12. Class Action IV
  13. Awakening
  14. Awakening II
  15. Warrior Special Activation
  16. Warrior Special Activation II
  17. Warrior Special Finisher
  18. Warrior Special Finisher II
  19. Warrior Special Activation (Unique)
  20. Warrior Special Activation (Unique) II
  21. Warrior Special Activation (Unique) III
  22. Warrior Special Activation (Unique) IV
  23. Warrior Special Activation (Unique) V
  24. Defending/Healing
  25. Defending/Healing II
  26. Dodge
  27. Dodge II
  28. Being Revived
  29. Being Revived II
  30. Gratitude for Backup (Peer)
  31. Gratitude for Backup (Superior)
  32. Light Damage Taken
  33. Light Damage Taken II
  34. Heavy Damage Taken
  35. Heavy Damage Taken II
  36. Fainted
  37. Fallen
  38. Adjutant Assigned (Active Unit, Peer)
  39. Adjutant Assigned (Active Unit, Peer) II
  40. Adjutant Assigned (Active Unit, Superior)
  41. Adjutant Assigned (Active Unit, Superior) II
  42. Adjutant Assigned (Active Unit, Unique)
  43. Adjutant Assigned (Active Unit, Unique) II
  44. Adjutant Assigned (Active Unit, Unique) III
  45. Adjutant Assigned (Active Unit, Unique) IV
  46. Adjutant Assigned (Active Unit, Unique) V
  47. Adjutant Assigned (Active Unit, Unique) VI
  48. Adjutant Assigned (Active Unit, Unique) VII
  49. Adjutant Assigned (Active Unit, Unique) VIII
  50. Adjutant Assigned (Active Unit, Unique) IX
  51. Adjutant Assigned (Active Unit, Unique) X
  52. Adjutant Assigned (Support Unit, Peer)
  53. Adjutant Assigned (Support Unit, Peer) II
  54. Adjutant Assigned (Support Unit, Superior)
  55. Adjutant Assigned (Support Unit, Superior) II
  56. Adjutant Assigned (Support Unit, Unique)
  57. Adjutant Assigned (Support Unit, Unique) II
  58. Adjutant Assigned (Support Unit, Unique) III
  59. Adjutant Assigned (Support Unit, Unique) IV
  60. Adjutant Assigned (Support Unit, Unique) V
  61. Adjutant Assigned (Support Unit, Unique) VI
  62. Adjutant Assigned (Support Unit, Unique) VII
  63. Adjutant Assigned (Support Unit, Unique) VIII
  64. Adjutant Assigned (Support Unit, Unique) IX
  65. Adjutant Assigned (Support Unit, Unique) X
  66. Adjutant Switch (Peer)
  67. Adjutant Switch (Peer) II
  68. Adjutant Switch (Superior)
  69. Adjutant Switch (Superior) II
  70. Adjutant Follow-Up (Peer)
  71. Adjutant Follow-Up (Peer) II
  72. Adjutant Follow-Up (Superior)
  73. Adjutant Follow-Up (Superior) II
  74. Adjutant Follow-Up (Unique)
  75. Adjutant Follow-Up (Unique) II
  76. Adjutant Follow-Up (Unique) III
  77. Adjutant Follow-Up (Unique) IV
  78. Adjutant Follow-Up (Unique) V
  79. Adjutant Follow-Up (Unique) VI
  80. Adjutant Follow-Up (Unique) VII
  81. Adjutant Follow-Up (Unique) VIII
  82. Adjutant Follow-Up (Unique) IX
  83. Adjutant Follow-Up (Unique) X
  84. Adjutant Guard (Peer)
  85. Adjutant Guard (Peer) II
  86. Adjutant Guard (Superior)
  87. Adjutant Guard (Superior) II
  88. Adjutant Guard (Unique)
  89. Adjutant Guard (Unique) II
  90. Adjutant Guard (Unique) III
  91. Adjutant Guard (Unique) IV
  92. Adjutant Guard (Unique) V
  93. Adjutant Guard (Unique) VI
  94. Adjutant Guard (Unique) VII
  95. Adjutant Guard (Unique) VIII
  96. Adjutant Guard (Unique) IX
  97. Adjutant Guard (Unique) X
  98. Partner Special (Active Unit, Peer)
  99. Partner Special (Active Unit, Peer) II
  100. Partner Special (Active Unit, Superior)
  101. Partner Special (Active Unit, Superior) II
  102. Partner Special (Active Unit, Unique)
  103. Partner Special (Active Unit, Unique) II
  104. Partner Special (Active Unit, Unique) III
  105. Partner Special (Active Unit, Unique) IV
  106. Partner Special (Active Unit, Unique) V
  107. Partner Special (Active Unit, Unique) VI
  108. Partner Special (Active Unit, Unique) VII
  109. Partner Special (Active Unit, Unique) VIII
  110. Partner Special (Active Unit, Unique) IX
  111. Partner Special (Active Unit, Unique) X
  112. Partner Special (Active Unit, Unique) XI
  113. Partner Special (Active Unit, Unique) XII
  114. Partner Special (Active Unit, Unique) XIII
  115. Partner Special (Active Unit, Unique) XIV
  116. Partner Special (Active Unit, Unique) XV
  117. Partner Special (Active Unit, Unique) XVI
  118. Partner Special (Active Unit, Unique) XVII
  119. Partner Special (Active Unit, Unique) XVIII
  120. Partner Special (Active Unit, Unique) XIX
  121. Partner Special (Active Unit, Unique) XX
  122. Partner Special (Support Unit, Peer)
  123. Partner Special (Support Unit, Peer) II
  124. Partner Special (Support Unit, Superior)
  125. Partner Special (Support Unit, Superior) II
  126. Partner Special (Support Unit, Unique)
  127. Partner Special (Support Unit, Unique) II
  128. Partner Special (Support Unit, Unique) III
  129. Partner Special (Support Unit, Unique) IV
  130. Partner Special (Support Unit, Unique) V
  131. Partner Special (Support Unit, Unique) VI
  132. Partner Special (Support Unit, Unique) VII
  133. Partner Special (Support Unit, Unique) VIII
  134. Partner Special (Support Unit, Unique) IX
  135. Partner Special (Support Unit, Unique) X
  136. Partner Special (Support Unit, Unique) XI
  137. Partner Special (Support Unit, Unique) XII
  138. Partner Special (Support Unit, Unique) XIII
  139. Partner Special (Support Unit, Unique) XIV
  140. Partner Special (Support Unit, Unique) XV
  141. Partner Special (Support Unit, Unique) XVI
  142. Partner Special (Support Unit, Unique) XVII
  143. Partner Special (Support Unit, Unique) XVIII
  144. Partner Special (Support Unit, Unique) XIX
  145. Partner Special (Support Unit, Unique) XX
  146. Enemy Defeated
  147. Enemy Defeated II
  148. Enemy Defeated III
  149. Enemy Defeated IV
  150. Enemy Defeated V
  151. Stronghold Seized
  152. Stronghold Seized II
  153. Stronghold Seized III
  154. Enemy Defeated (Unique)
  155. Enemy Defeated (Unique) II
  156. Enemy Defeated (Unique) III
  157. Enemy Defeated (Unique) IV
  158. Enemy Defeated (Unique) V
  159. Enemy Defeated (Unique) VI
  160. Enemy Defeated (Unique) VII
  161. Enemy Defeated (Unique) VIII
  162. Enemy Defeated (Unique) IX
  163. Enemy Defeated (Unique) X
  164. Enemy Defeated (Unique) XI
  165. Enemy Defeated (Unique) XII
  166. Enemy Defeated (Unique) XIII
  167. Enemy Defeated (Unique) XIV
  168. Enemy Defeated (Unique) XV
  169. Enemy Defeated (Friendly)
  170. Enemy Defeated (Friendly) II
  171. 1,000 Enemies Defeated
  172. 1,000 Enemies Defeated II
  173. Summoning Aid
  174. Summoning Aid (Near Defeat)
  175. Gratitude
  176. Gratitude II
  177. Gratitude (Superior)
  178. Gratitude (Superior) II
  179. Praise
  180. Praise II
  181. Praise (Superior)
  182. Praise (Superior) II
  183. Praise (Unique)
  184. Praise (Unique) II
  185. Praise (Unique) III
  186. Praise (Unique) IV
  187. Praise (Unique) V
  188. Praise (Unique) VI
  189. Praise (Unique) VII
  190. Praise (Unique) VIII
  191. Praise (Unique) IX
  192. Praise (Unique) X
  193. Praise (High Support)
  194. Praise (High Support) II
  195. Praise (High Support) III
  196. Praise (High Support) IV
  197. Praise (High Support) V
  198. Praise, 1,000 Enemies Defeated
  199. Praise, 1,000 Enemies Defeated (Superior)
  200. Praise, 1,000 Enemies Defeated (High Support)
  201. Praise, 1,000 Enemies Defeated (High Support) II
  202. Praise, 1,000 Enemies Defeated (High Support) III
  203. Praise, 1,000 Enemies Defeated (High Support) IV
  204. Praise, 1,000 Enemies Defeated (High Support) V
  205. Praise, 1,000 Enemies Defeated (Unique)
  206. Praise, 1,000 Enemies Defeated (Unique) II
  207. Praise, 1,000 Enemies Defeated (Unique) III
  208. Praise, 1,000 Enemies Defeated (Unique) IV
  209. Praise, 1,000 Enemies Defeated (Unique) V
  210. Frustration
  211. Frustration II
  212. Frustration (Friendly)
  213. Frustration (Friendly) II
  214. In Trouble
  215. Attacking Stronghold
  216. Defending Stronghold
  217. Stronghold in Danger
  218. Stronghold Fallen
  219. Engaging
  220. Engaging II
  221. Engaging (Friendly)
  222. Engaging (Friendly) II
  223. Engaging (Unique)
  224. Engaging (Unique) II
  225. Engaging (Unique) III
  226. Engaging (Unique) IV
  227. Engaging (Unique) V
  228. Engaging (Unique) VI
  229. Engaging (Unique) VII
  230. Engaging (Unique) VIII
  231. Engaging (Unique) IX
  232. Engaging (Unique) X
  233. Retreat
  234. Retreat II
  235. Retreat III
  236. Temporary Retreat
  237. Temporary Retreat II
  238. Appearing
  239. Appearing II
  240. Reappearing
  241. Reappearing II
  242. Fallen/Lost
  243. Battle Start
  244. Battle Start II
  245. Battle Start III
  246. Battle Start (Rescue)
  247. Battle Start (Defense)
  248. Battle Start (Retreat)
  249. Battle Start (Final Battle)
  250. Battle Start (Responding to Ally)
  251. Battle Start (Responding to Ally) II
  252. Battle Start (Responding to Enemy)
  253. Battle Start (Responding to Enemy) II
  254. Victory
  255. Victory II
  256. Victory (Rescue)
  257. Victory (Defense)
  258. Victory (Retreat)
  259. Victory (Final Battle)
  260. Game Over
  261. Game Over II
  262. At Advantage
  263. At Disadvantage
  264. Able to Advance
  265. Unable to Advance
  266. Advancing
  267. Covering
  268. Aiding
  269. Ordering to Advance
  270. Ordering to Cover
  271. Ordering to Rescue
  272. Ordering to Defend
  273. Requesting Rescue
  274. Requesting Aid (Calm)
  275. Requesting Aid (In Trouble)
  276. Requesting Aid (Calm, Superior)
  277. Requesting Aid (In Trouble, Superior)
  278. Fired Up
  279. Morale Low
  280. Beginning Mission
  281. Beginning Mission II
  282. Mission Complete
  283. Mission Complete II
  284. Orders Complete
  285. Orders Complete II
  286. Orders Failed
  287. Orders Failed II
  288. Multipurpose Start
  289. Multipurpose Finish
  290. Multipurpose Failure
  291. Multipurpose Acceptance
  292. Unit Selected
  293. Unit Selected II
  294. Deploying
  295. Deploying II
  296. MVP Awarded
  297. Level Up (Prologue)
  298. Level Up (Great)
  299. Level Up (Standard)
  300. Level Up (Adequate)
  301. Training (Very Successful)
  302. Training (Successful)
  303. Training (Standard)
  304. Pair Training (Very Successful)
  305. Pair Training (Successful)
  306. Pair Training (Standard)
  307. Stat Growth
  308. Stat Growth II
  309. Class Change
  310. Class Change II
  311. Receiving a Gift (Pleased)
  312. Receiving a Gift (Pleased) II
  313. Receiving a Gift (Standard)
  314. Receiving a Gift (Standard) II
  315. Receiving a Gift (Disappointed)
  316. Special Gift
  317. Repaying Special Gift
  318. Repaying Special Gift II
  319. Expedition (Start)
  320. Expedition (Start) II
  321. Expedition (Start) III
  322. Expedition (Start) IV
  323. Expedition (Start) V
  324. Offering Battle Suggestion
  325. Battle Suggestion Accepted
  326. Greeting (Low Support)
  327. Greeting (Low Support) II
  328. Greeting (Low Support) III
  329. Greeting (Low Support) IV
  330. Greeting (Low Support) V
  331. Greeting (Low Support) VI
  332. Greeting (Medium Support)
  333. Greeting (Medium Support) II
  334. Greeting (Medium Support) III
  335. Greeting (Medium Support) IV
  336. Greeting (Medium Support) V
  337. Greeting (Medium Support) VI
  338. Greeting (High Support)
  339. Greeting (High Support) II
  340. Greeting (High Support) III
  341. Greeting (High Support) IV
  342. Greeting (High Support) V
  343. Greeting (High Support) VI
  344. Greeting
  345. Greeting II
  346. Greeting III
  347. Beckoning
  348. Beckoning II
  349. Beckoning III
  350. Beckoning (Superior)
  351. Joy
  352. Anger
  353. Fury
  354. Sadness
  355. Surprise
  356. Laughter
  357. Thinking
  358. Thinking II
  359. Compliment
  360. Compliment II
  361. Compliment III
  362. Thankful
  363. Thankful II
  364. Thankful III
  365. Deciding
  366. Despair
  367. Shock
  368. Exasperation
  369. Troubled
  370. Contempt
  371. Agree/Accept
  372. Agree/Accept II
  373. Agree/Accept III
  374. Disagree/Reject
  375. Disagree/Reject II
  376. Disagree/Reject III
  377. Request
  378. Suggesting Topic
  379. Summing Up
  380. Changing Subject
  381. Explaining
  382. Finishing Explanation
  383. Suggestion/Question
  384. Suggestion/Question II
  385. Suggestion/Question III
  386. Answer
  387. Answer II
  388. Answer III
  389. Listening (Agree)
  390. Listening (Disagree)
  391. Listening (Indifferent)
  392. Doubtful
  393. Cooking (Favorite Food)
  394. Cooking (Favorite Food) II
  395. Cooking (Standard)
  396. Cooking (Standard) II
  397. Cooking (Displeased)
  398. Cooking (Displeased) II
  399. Expedition (Setting Off)
  400. Expedition (Setting Off) II
  401. Expedition (Setting Off, High Support)
  402. Expedition (Setting Off, High Support) II
  403. Expedition (Arriving, Plains)
  404. Expedition (Arriving, Forest)
  405. Expedition (Arriving, Forest) II
  406. Expedition (Arriving, Mountains)
  407. Expedition (Arriving, Mountains) II
  408. Expedition (Arriving, Waterfront)
  409. Expedition (Event, Plains)
  410. Expedition (Event, Plains) II
  411. Expedition (Event, Plains) III
  412. Expedition (Event, Plains) IV
  413. Expedition (Event, Forest)
  414. Expedition (Event, Forest) II
  415. Expedition (Event, Forest) III
  416. Expedition (Event, Forest) IV
  417. Expedition (Event, Mountains)
  418. Expedition (Event, Mountains) II
  419. Expedition (Event, Mountains) III
  420. Expedition (Event, Mountains) IV
  421. Expedition (Event, Waterfront)
  422. Expedition (Event, Waterfront) II
  423. Expedition (Event, Waterfront) III
  424. Expedition (Event, Waterfront) IV
  425. Expedition (Conversation)
  426. Expedition (Conversation) II
  427. Expedition (Conversation) III
  428. Expedition (Conversation) IV
  429. Expedition (Conversation) V
  430. Expedition (Conversation) VI
  431. Expedition (Conversation) VII
  432. Expedition (Conversation) VIII
  433. Expedition (Conversation) IX
  434. Expedition (Conversation) X
  435. Expedition (Conversation) XI
  436. Expedition (Conversation) XII
  437. Expedition (Conversation) XIII
  438. Expedition (Conversation) XIV
  439. Expedition (Conversation) XV
  440. Expedition (Question)
  441. Expedition (Question) II
  442. Expedition (Question) III
  443. Expedition (Question) IV
  444. Expedition (Question) V
  445. Expedition (Question) VI
  446. Expedition (Question) VII
  447. Expedition (Question) VIII
  448. Expedition (Question) IX
  449. Expedition (Question) X
  450. Expedition (Question) XI
  451. Expedition (Question) XII
  452. Expedition (Question) XIII
  453. Expedition (Question) XIV
  454. Expedition (Question) XV
  455. Expedition (Question: Protagonist)
  456. Expedition (Question: Protagonist) II
  457. Expedition (Question: Protagonist) III
  458. Expedition (Question: Recent Events)
  459. Expedition (Question: Recent Events) II
  460. Expedition (Question: Recent Events) III
  461. Expedition (Question: Recent Events) IV
  462. Expedition (Observation)
  463. Expedition (Observation) II
  464. Expedition (Observation) III
  465. Expedition (Observation) IV
  466. Expedition (Observation) V
  467. Expedition (Observation) VI
  468. Expedition (Observation) VII
  469. Expedition (Observation) VIII
  470. Expedition (Observation) IX
  471. Expedition (Observation) X
  472. Expedition (Observation) XI
  473. Expedition (End)
  474. Expedition (End) II
  475. Expedition (End) III
  476. Cooking (Standard)
  477. Cooking (Successful)
  478. Cooking (Very Successful)
  479. Volunteering (Initial Remarks)
  480. Volunteering (Initial Remarks) II
  481. Volunteering (Response)
  482. Volunteering (Response) II
  483. Volunteering (Start)
  484. Volunteering (Start) II
  485. Volunteering (Start) III
  486. Volunteering (Start) IV
  487. Volunteering (Start) V
  488. Volunteering (Start) VI
  489. Volunteering (Start) VII
  490. Volunteering (Start) VIII
  491. Volunteering (Start) IX
  492. Volunteering (Start) X
  493. Volunteering (Results)
  494. Volunteering (Results) II
  495. Volunteering (Results) III
  496. Volunteering (Results) IV
  497. Volunteering (Results) V
  498. Volunteering (Results) VI
  499. Volunteering (Results) VII
  500. Volunteering (Results) VIII
  501. Volunteering (Results) IX
  502. Volunteering (Results) X
  503. Cooking (Taste Test)
  504. Cooking (Taste Test) II
  505. Cooking (Taste Test) III
  506. Cooking (Taste Test) IV
  507. Cooking (Taste Test) V
  508. Cooking (Taste Test) VI
  509. Cooking (Taste Test) VII
  510. Cooking (Taste Test) VIII
  511. Cooking (Taste Test) IX
  512. Cooking (Taste Test) X
  513. Pair Training
  514. Pair Training II
  515. Pair Training III
  516. Pair Training IV
  517. Pair Training V
  518. Pair Training VI
  519. Pair Training VII
  520. Pair Training VIII
  521. Pair Training IX
  522. Pair Training X
  523. Heartfelt Letter
  524. Heartfelt Letter II
  525. Heartfelt Letter III
  526. Heartfelt Letter IV
  527. Heartfelt Letter V
  528. Heartfelt Letter VI
  529. Heartfelt Letter VII
  530. Heartfelt Letter VIII
  531. Regular Attack V
  532. Regular Attack VI
  533. Regular Attack VII
  534. Regular Attack VIII
  535. Strong Attack V
  536. Strong Attack VI
  537. Strong Attack VII
  538. Strong Attack VIII
  539. Class Action V
  540. Class Action VI
  541. Class Action VII
  542. Class Action VIII
  543. Awakening III
  544. Awakening IV
  545. Warrior Special Activation III
  546. Warrior Special Activation IV
  547. Warrior Special Finisher III
  548. Warrior Special Finisher IV
  549. Defending/Healing III
  550. Defending/Healing IV
  551. Dodge III
  552. Dodge IV
  553. Being Revived III
  554. Being Revived IV
  555. Gratitude for Backup (Peer) II
  556. Gratitude for Backup (Superior) II
  557. Light Damage Taken III
  558. Light Damage Taken IV
  559. Heavy Damage Taken III
  560. Heavy Damage Taken IV
  561. Fainted II
  562. Fallen II
  563. Adjutant Assigned (Active Unit, Peer) III
  564. Adjutant Assigned (Active Unit, Peer) IV
  565. Adjutant Assigned (Support Unit, Peer) III
  566. Adjutant Assigned (Support Unit, Peer) IV
  567. Adjutant Switch (Peer) III
  568. Adjutant Switch (Peer) IV
  569. Adjutant Follow-Up (Peer) III
  570. Adjutant Follow-Up (Peer) IV
  571. Adjutant Guard (Peer) III
  572. Adjutant Guard (Peer) IV
  573. Partner Special (Active Unit, Peer) III
  574. Partner Special (Active Unit, Peer) IV
  575. Partner Special (Support Unit, Peer) III
  576. Partner Special (Support Unit, Peer) IV
  577. Enemy Defeated VI
  578. Enemy Defeated VII
  579. Enemy Defeated VIII
  580. Enemy Defeated IX
  581. Enemy Defeated X
  582. Stronghold Seized IV
  583. Stronghold Seized V
  584. Stronghold Seized VI
  585. Enemy Defeated (Unique) XVI
  586. Enemy Defeated (Unique) XVII
  587. Enemy Defeated (Friendly) III
  588. Enemy Defeated (Friendly) IV
  589. 1,000 Enemies Defeated III
  590. 1,000 Enemies Defeated IV
  591. Summoning Aid II
  592. Summoning Aid (Near Defeat) II
  593. Gratitude III
  594. Gratitude IV
  595. Praise III
  596. Praise IV
  597. Praise (Unique) XI
  598. Praise (Unique) XII
  599. Praise (Unique) XIII
  600. Praise (Unique) XIV
  601. Praise (Unique) XV
  602. Praise (Unique) XVI
  603. Praise (High Support) VI
  604. Praise (High Support) VII
  605. Praise (High Support) VIII
  606. Praise, 1,000 Enemies Defeated II
  607. Praise, 1,000 Enemies Defeated (High Support) VI
  608. Praise, 1,000 Enemies Defeated (High Support) VII
  609. Praise, 1,000 Enemies Defeated (High Support) VIII
  610. Praise, 1,000 Enemies Defeated (High Support) IX
  611. Praise, 1,000 Enemies Defeated (Unique) VI
  612. Praise, 1,000 Enemies Defeated (Unique) VII
  613. Praise, 1,000 Enemies Defeated (Unique) VIII
  614. Praise, 1,000 Enemies Defeated (Unique) IX
  615. Praise, 1,000 Enemies Defeated (Unique) X
  616. Frustration III
  617. Frustration IV
  618. Frustration (Friendly) III
  619. Frustration (Friendly) IV
  620. In Trouble II
  621. Attacking Stronghold II
  622. Defending Stronghold II
  623. Stronghold in Danger II
  624. Stronghold Fallen II
  625. Engaging III
  626. Engaging IV
  627. Engaging (Friendly) III
  628. Engaging (Friendly) IV
  629. Engaging (Unique) XI
  630. Engaging (Unique) XII
  631. Engaging (Unique) XIII
  632. Engaging (Unique) XIV
  633. Engaging (Unique) XV
  634. Engaging (Unique) XVI
  635. Retreat IV
  636. Retreat V
  637. Retreat VI
  638. Temporary Retreat III
  639. Temporary Retreat IV
  640. Appearing III
  641. Appearing IV
  642. Reappearing III
  643. Reappearing IV
  644. Fallen/Lost II
  645. Battle Start IV
  646. Battle Start V
  647. Battle Start VI
  648. Battle Start (Rescue) II
  649. Battle Start (Defense) II
  650. Battle Start (Retreat) II
  651. Battle Start (Final Battle) II
  652. Battle Start (Responding to Ally) III
  653. Battle Start (Responding to Ally) IV
  654. Battle Start (Responding to Enemy) III
  655. Battle Start (Responding to Enemy) IV
  656. Victory III
  657. Victory IV
  658. Victory (Rescue) II
  659. Victory (Defense) II
  660. Victory (Retreat) II
  661. Victory (Final Battle) II
  662. Game Over III
  663. Game Over IV
  664. At Advantage II
  665. At Disadvantage II
  666. Able to Advance II
  667. Unable to Advance II
  668. Advancing II
  669. Covering II
  670. Aiding II
  671. Ordering to Advance II
  672. Ordering to Cover II
  673. Ordering to Rescue II
  674. Ordering to Defend II
  675. Requesting Rescue II
  676. Requesting Aid (Calm) II
  677. Requesting Aid (In Trouble) II
  678. Fired Up II
  679. Morale Low II
  680. Beginning Mission III
  681. Beginning Mission IV
  682. Mission Complete III
  683. Mission Complete IV
  684. Orders Complete III
  685. Orders Complete IV
  686. Orders Failed III
  687. Orders Failed IV
  688. Multipurpose Start II
  689. Multipurpose Finish II
  690. Multipurpose Failure II
  691. Multipurpose Acceptance II
  692. Unit Selected III
  693. Unit Selected IV
  694. Deploying III
  695. Deploying IV
  696. MVP Awarded II
  697. Level Up (Great) II
  698. Level Up (Standard) II
  699. Level Up (Adequate) II
  700. Stat Growth III
  701. Stat Growth IV
  702. Class Change III
  703. Class Change IV
  704. Receiving a Gift (Disappointed) II
  705. Special Gift II
  706. Greeting IV
  707. Greeting V
  708. Greeting VI
  709. Beckoning IV
  710. Beckoning V
  711. Beckoning VI
  712. Joy II
  713. Anger II
  714. Fury II
  715. Sadness II
  716. Surprise II
  717. Laughter II
  718. Thinking III
  719. Thinking IV
  720. Deciding II
  721. Despair II
  722. Shock II
  723. Exasperation II
  724. Troubled II
  725. Contempt II
  726. Request II
  727. Suggesting Topic II
  728. Summing Up II
  729. Changing Subject II
  730. Explaining II
  731. Finishing Explanation II
  732. Listening (Agree) II
  733. Listening (Disagree) II
  734. Listening (Indifferent) II
  735. Expedition (Start) VI
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