1. Hey, what're the words to that song again? Something [cdb]about an eagle and a lion flying through the sky?
  2. A flying lion? Pretty sure I know the song you're [cdb]talking about, but those definitely ain't the lyrics I've heard.
  3. The one I know is about some horse with a human [cdb]face runnin' through the greenest grass you ever [cdb]did see.
  4. Hmm. Now that you mention it, that does sound [cdb]familiar.
  5. What a weird thing to sing about. I wonder [cdb]who wrote it.
  6. Ugh.
  7. Yeah, this isn't working.
  8. You can say that again.
  9. I finally finished rewriting the lyrics and everything, [cdb]but they aren't catching on. Not at all.
  10. I've even heard people theorizing that the horse with [cdb]the human face is some kinda grand metaphor.
  11. You know, since he's a mix of human wisdom and a [cdb]horse's pure strength, the song is saying that the brave [cdb]warrior who possesses both will win in the end.
  12. Or that the horse is some kinda messenger sent by the [cdb]goddess to punish sinners.
  13. Ugh, why did it come to this? I didn't have any of that [cdb]stuff in mind when I was writing it.
  14. I just wanted to sing about a knight rushing through [cdb]an open field.
  15. And then I snuck in a tiny bit of Duscur mythology [cdb]that Dedue told me about.
  16. Not sure how you got from that to a song about a [cdb]horse with a human face.
  17. I already told you, that's not what it is! It's a [cdb]mythological warrior being from Duscur legend!
  18. All right, all right. Either way, everyone obviously [cdb]prefers the original version.
  19. Sooo...all's well that ends well, right?
  20. They say once people hear a song, it's out of the [cdb]composer's hands forever. The author is dead, [cdb]all that stuff.
  21. I know you're just saying all this to make me [cdb]feel better.
  22. Apologize.
  23. Deny it.
  24. Well, yeah, I can't deny that. Sorry, Annette. But it's [cdb]true that there's nothing you can really do now.
  25. Even if you write totally new lyrics and sing 'em for [cdb]the whole army, there's no guarantee they'll get as big [cdb]as the ones that're already out there.
  26. You have a point, but still...
  27. It's not just to make you feel better, though. I really [cdb]believe it.
  28. I'm sure all great artists across the centuries have [cdb]dealt with this exact problem at one point or another.
  29. I don't care about the troubles of people from the [cdb]distant past. It's happening to me, right now... and there's nothing I can do about it.
  30. Listen, Annette. Songs have a lot of power. They help [cdb]people in need, give them courage when they're down [cdb]on their luck.
  31. And if you ask me, I think yours could inspire our [cdb]troops out on the battlefield, too.
  32. I don't know...
  33. Hey, what even is a human-faced horse anyway? Is it some kinda monster?
  34. Ain't no monster I've ever heard of. Maybe it's a [cdb]horrible beast that comes crawlin' up outta the [cdb]bowels of the earth.
  35. Don't say stuff like that! You're gonna ruin a perfectly [cdb]happy song.
  36. Ugh...