1. A basic ore used to forge or repair weapons.
  2. A metal smelted through a unique process.
  3. A metal that is both light and durable.
  4. A crystal that glows with magical light.
  5. A metal blessed with holy might.
  6. A metal steeped in the power of darkness.
  7. A metal refined using archaic methods.
  8. A highly toxic ore that should be handled with [cdb]great care.
  9. <<<EMPTY>>>
  10. <<<EMPTY>>>
  11. <<<EMPTY>>>
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  31. A small fish found throughout the waters of Fódlan. These fish can be eaten but aren't [cdb]particularly tasty...
  32. A hard-shelled edible crayfish that hides beneath [cdb]pebbles in rapid water.
  33. A stark white fish that gleams in sunlight.
  34. A stately bearded fish from Lake Teutates.
  35. This fish is commonly found in the Airmid River.
  36. This fish has very hard scales, signifying its [cdb]origins on the Caledonian Plateau.
  37. <<<EMPTY>>>
  38. <<<EMPTY>>>
  39. <<<EMPTY>>>
  40. An intense swimmer who migrates over vast [cdb]distances near the coast of Albinea.
  41. <<<EMPTY>>>
  42. <<<EMPTY>>>
  43. <<<EMPTY>>>
  44. <<<EMPTY>>>
  45. <<<EMPTY>>>
  46. <<<EMPTY>>>
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  49. <<<EMPTY>>>
  50. <<<EMPTY>>>
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  53. <<<EMPTY>>>
  54. <<<EMPTY>>>
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  61. <<<EMPTY>>>
  62. <<<EMPTY>>>
  63. <<<EMPTY>>>
  64. <<<EMPTY>>>
  65. <<<EMPTY>>>
  66. A rare vegetable from Dagda that requires [cdb]delicate conditions to thrive.
  67. A fruit named after Saint Noa. It takes a skilled [cdb]hand to extract the pulp.
  68. Sweet peach currants.
  69. Blessed by the goddess herself, this vegetable is as [cdb]tasty as it is beautiful.
  70. <<<EMPTY>>>
  71. <<<EMPTY>>>
  72. <<<EMPTY>>>
  73. <<<EMPTY>>>
  74. <<<EMPTY>>>
  75. Simple Albinean berries that are tart with a hint [cdb]of sweetness.
  76. A Fódlan onion—a staple in many dishes.
  77. A simple carrot grown in Fódlan that adds [cdb]texture to any recipe.
  78. A Fódlan turnip. Tasty and earthy.
  79. Chickpeas harvested throughout Fódlan.
  80. Cabbage of Fódlan that is enjoyed in a number [cdb]of dishes.
  81. <<<EMPTY>>>
  82. <<<EMPTY>>>
  83. <<<EMPTY>>>
  84. <<<EMPTY>>>
  85. <<<EMPTY>>>
  86. <<<EMPTY>>>
  87. <<<EMPTY>>>
  88. <<<EMPTY>>>
  89. <<<EMPTY>>>
  90. <<<EMPTY>>>
  91. Meat from birds hunted in the hills.
  92. Meat from beasts hunted in the hills.
  93. <<<EMPTY>>>
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  111. <<<EMPTY>>>
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  151. Wood and stone with obvious scratches and [cdb]stains. Adequate for repairing floors and walls.
  152. Typical lumber and stone with broad [cdb]architectural applications.
  153. Experienced artisans flock to these materials, [cdb]which are utilized in noble manors and military [cdb]construction alike.
  154. Carefully selected from across Fódlan, these [cdb]exquisite materials are used to build castles and [cdb]estates for the nobility's upper crust.
  155. <<<EMPTY>>>
  156. <<<EMPTY>>>
  157. <<<EMPTY>>>
  158. <<<EMPTY>>>
  159. <<<EMPTY>>>
  160. <<<EMPTY>>>
  161. All soldiers need equipment to train. Sometimes [cdb]quantity must come before quality.
  162. Bespoke training equipment reserved for officers [cdb]with their own command, wrought from quality [cdb]materials.
  163. Only the finest warriors and commanders may [cdb]handle this equipment. Rare and precious [cdb]materials were used to craft every inch of it.
  164. <<<EMPTY>>>
  165. <<<EMPTY>>>
  166. A parchment that covers the basics of military [cdb]command. Nothing groundbreaking here, but it's [cdb]a solid start.
  167. An illuminating document that delves into the [cdb]nitty-gritty of troop management.
  168. This dense treatise on military ideals nourishes [cdb]the mind and brims with ideas that can be put [cdb]into practice.
  169. <<<EMPTY>>>
  170. <<<EMPTY>>>
  171. These tools have seen plenty of use. Considering [cdb]the state they're in, they might not see much [cdb]more.
  172. Tools that a blacksmith can rely on. They're built [cdb]to last and allow for precise work.
  173. Tools wrought of rare and precious metals that [cdb]can be used to forge any weapon or armor in the [cdb]world.
  174. <<<EMPTY>>>
  175. <<<EMPTY>>>
  176. There's a warmth to this roughly hewn wooden [cdb]furniture—but frankly, it's not worth much.
  177. An artisan built this furniture. It's one of many [cdb]similarly produced pieces, but that makes it no [cdb]less fine.
  178. Furniture custom-built for nobility by the land's [cdb]top artisans. The materials alone would fetch a [cdb]hefty sum.
  179. <<<EMPTY>>>
  180. <<<EMPTY>>>
  181. A license to peddle wares to armies. The hurdle [cdb]to get your paws on one of these is not especially [cdb]high.
  182. You need the backing of a large firm to obtain [cdb]this license, but with it you can ply your trade [cdb]across the land.
  183. Acquiring this license requires a sterling record. It opens doors to Fódlan's finest wares and allows [cdb]the bearer to contract directly with noble houses.
  184. <<<EMPTY>>>
  185. <<<EMPTY>>>
  186. A badge worn by many a squire. These are far [cdb]too commonplace to be considered special.
  187. An armored horse is emblazoned on this badge. Wear it, and you'll be the envy of other soldiers.
  188. The imposing wyvern on this prized badge [cdb]commands the respect of everyone on the [cdb]battlefield.
  189. <<<EMPTY>>>
  190. <<<EMPTY>>>
  191. This cloth bag can't hold anything too large, [cdb]but it's better than nothing.
  192. A large wooden chest with plenty of space to [cdb]store most objects.
  193. A massive storage container larger than any [cdb]horse-drawn cart. The riches of Fódlan could [cdb]fit inside.
  194. <<<EMPTY>>>
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