1. None.
  2. Defeat [eg2][0:CHARA_G].
  3. Defeat [eg2][0:CHARA_G] and [eg2][1:CHARA_G].
  4. Defeat [eg2][0:CHARA_G], [eg2][1:CHARA_G], and [eg2][2:CHARA_G].
  5. Rout the [r]enemy[/].
  6. <<<EMPTY>>>
  7. <<<EMPTY>>>
  8. [eg2][r][0:PARTY][/] forces are routed.
  9. <<<EMPTY>>>
  10. <<<EMPTY>>>
  11. [eg2][0:CHARA_G] reaches their [g]destination[/].
  12. [eg2][0:CHARA_G] and their allies reach their [g]destination[/].
  13. <<<EMPTY>>>
  14. <<<EMPTY>>>
  15. <<<EMPTY>>>
  16. <<<EMPTY>>>
  17. Rescue [eg2][cp][0:CHARA_G].
  18. Rescue [eg2][0:CHARA_G] and [eg2][1:CHARA_G].
  19. <<<EMPTY>>>
  20. Rescue [eg2][0:CHARA_G] and their allies.
  21. <<<EMPTY>>>
  22. Break past the [r][0:PARTY][/] siege.
  23. Defeat [eg2][0:CHARA_G] and other enemies.
  24. [eg2][0:CHARA_G] is routed.
  25. [eg2][0:CHARA_G] dies.
  26. [eg2][0:CHARA_G] or [eg2][1:CHARA_G] is routed.
  27. [eg2][0:CHARA_G], [eg2][1:CHARA_G], or [eg2][2:CHARA_G] is routed.
  28. <<<EMPTY>>>
  29. [eg2][0:CHARA_G], [eg2][1:CHARA_G], or [eg2][2:CHARA_G] falls in battle.
  30. Any [b]allies[/] are routed.
  31. <<<EMPTY>>>
  32. <<<EMPTY>>>
  33. <<<EMPTY>>>
  34. [eg2][cp][0:CHARA_G] are routed.
  35. <<<EMPTY>>>
  36. <<<EMPTY>>>
  37. <<<EMPTY>>>
  38. <<<EMPTY>>>
  39. <<<EMPTY>>>
  40. [eg2][0:AREA] is captured.
  41. <<<EMPTY>>>
  42. The [b]Allied Base[/] is captured.
  43. [eg2][0:CHARA_G] is routed, or [eg2][0:AREA] is captured.
  44. [eg2][0:CHARA_G] or [eg2][1:CHARA_G] is routed, or [eg2][0:AREA] is captured.
  45. [eg2][0:CHARA_G] is routed, or the [b]Allied Base[/] is captured.
  46. <<<EMPTY>>>
  47. Gain control of all [r]strongholds[/].
  48. Gain control of all [y]strongholds[/].
  49. The [g]mission time limit[/] expires.
  50. The [g]time limit[/] expires.
  51. <<<EMPTY>>>
  52. Any [0:CHARA_G] is routed.
  53. Defeat [g][0:NUMBER][/] [r]enemies[/].
  54. Protect [eg2][0:CHARA_G].
  55. Gather [g]information[/].
  56. Allow a set amount of time to pass after the [r]enemy[/] invades [eg2][0:AREA].
  57. Any [b]ally stronghold[/] is captured.
  58. <<<EMPTY>>>
  59. Rescue the [b]Citizens[/].
  60. <<<EMPTY>>>
  61. [eg2][0:CHARA_G] reaches [eg2][0:AREA].
  62. [eg2][0:CHARA_G] and their allies reach [eg2][0:AREA].
  63. <<<EMPTY>>>
  64. Defend the [g]town[/].
  65. Any [g]defense point[/] is captured, or any [b]ally[/] is routed.
  66. [eg2][0:AREA] or [eg2][1:AREA] is captured, or [eg2][0:CHARA_G] is routed.
  67. All [b]ally strongholds[/] are captured.
  68. The [b]defense point[/] is captured.
  69. [eg2][r][0:PARTY][/] and [eg2][y][1:PARTY][/] are defeated.
  70. Defeat [eg2][r][0:PARTY][/].
  71. [eg2][0:AREA] or [eg2][1:AREA] is captured.
  72. [b][eg2][0:PARTY][/] retreats.
  73. Defeat [g]300[/] [r]enemies[/].
  74. Gain control of all [r]strongholds[/].
  75. <<<EMPTY>>>
  76. <<<EMPTY>>>
  77. Any [0:CHARA_G] is routed, or [eg2][0:AREA] or [eg2][1:AREA] are captured.
  78. Either group of your [b]units[/] is routed.
  79. <<<EMPTY>>>
  80. Drive back [r][eg2][0:PARTY][/].
  81. All [r]enemy generals[/] are defeated.
  82. Any [b]allies[/] are routed, or the [g]time limit[/] expires.
  83. Main force wiped out, or the detached force is routed.
  84. Rescue [eg2][0:CHARA_G].
  85. <<<EMPTY>>>
  86. [eg2][0:CHARA_G] reaches the [g]evacuation point[/].
  87. Collect the [g]holy artifact[/].
  88. <<<EMPTY>>>
  89. <<<EMPTY>>>
  90. [eg2][0:CHARA_G] is routed or [eg2][0:AREA] is captured, or [eg2][1:CHARA_G] reaches the [g]evacuation point[/].
  91. [eg2][0:CHARA_G] reaches the [g]evacuation point[/].
  92. [eg2][0:CHARA_G] and her allies reach the [g]evacuation point[/].
  93. <<<EMPTY>>>
  94. An [r]enemy[/] reaches the [g]evacuation point[/], or an [b]ally[/] is routed.
  95. An [b]ally[/] is routed, or a [b]Duscur Soldier[/] is routed.
  96. An [b]ally[/] is routed, or a [b]Citizen[/] is routed.
  97. An [b]ally[/] is routed, or a [b]Rogue[/] is routed.
  98. The [g]time limit[/] expires, or [0:AREA] is captured.
  99. [eg2][0:CHARA_G] is routed, or [eg2][1:CHARA_G] falls in battle.
  100. Defend [g]Arianrhod, the Fortress City[/].
  101. [eg2][0:CHARA_G] reaches the [g]evacuation point[/], or [eg2][0:AREA] or [eg2][1:AREA] are captured.
  102. An [b]ally[/] is routed, or [b][eg1][0:CHARA_G][/] is routed.
  103. <<<EMPTY>>>
  104. <<<EMPTY>>>
  105. <<<EMPTY>>>
  106. <<<EMPTY>>>
  107. <<<EMPTY>>>
  108. <<<EMPTY>>>
  109. <<<EMPTY>>>
  110. <<<EMPTY>>>
  111. <<<EMPTY>>>
  112. <<<EMPTY>>>
  113. <<<EMPTY>>>
  114. <<<EMPTY>>>
  115. <<<EMPTY>>>
  116. <<<EMPTY>>>
  117. <<<EMPTY>>>
  118. <<<EMPTY>>>
  119. <<<EMPTY>>>
  120. <<<EMPTY>>>
  121. <<<EMPTY>>>
  122. <<<EMPTY>>>
  123. <<<EMPTY>>>
  124. <<<EMPTY>>>
  125. <<<EMPTY>>>
  126. <<<EMPTY>>>
  127. <<<EMPTY>>>
  128. <<<EMPTY>>>