1. Another step toward victory!
  2. Follow me, soldiers of the Empire!
  3. To battle!
  4. Let them witness our virtue firsthand!
  5. The future is ours to make, no matter the sacrifice!
  6. I must get stronger.
  7. For the fate of Fódlan!
  8. I must outwit even death.
  9. I can't afford such setbacks...
  10. I was in fine form today.
  11. All progress is good progress.
  12. This outcome will not do.
  13. Just think of what we might accomplish in the [cdb]next battle!
  14. Where one struggles, two often prevail.
  15. We must work together and improve.
  16. What a fascinating power...
  17. Who knew this power slept within?
  18. I always strive to improve.
  19. I will hew my own path with this power!
  20. That's very kind of you.
  21. I appreciate this.
  22. An...interesting choice.
  23. And what have we here?
  24. I suppose it's only right I give you this.
  25. What, me? Very well.
  26. I hope you've got some good stories...
  27. Let's be off!
  28. What do you think of this strategy?
  29. Leave everything to me.
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