1. I will prepare the scarlet path.
  2. Kneel before Her Majesty!
  3. Come. The battle is at hand.
  4. Stay alert and victory will be ours.
  5. Heh. Flattery will get you nowhere.
  6. Any experience is worth having.
  7. My potential is so much greater.
  8. To kill is to grow stronger.
  9. I still have a long way to go.
  10. One step closer to mastery.
  11. That was time well spent.
  12. Another productive session.
  13. That went better than I anticipated.
  14. I see the merits in our training together.
  15. A middling performance, but acceptable.
  16. I imagine this will serve me well.
  17. I must make the most of this ability.
  18. All is done for the sake of power.
  19. One cannot achieve victory without challenge.
  20. Studying my preferences? Clever.
  21. I'll take it.
  22. I don't need this, but very well.
  23. Well, you are just full of surprises.
  24. It is only proper for me to return the favor.
  25. You are an odd one. Heh.
  26. So then! Where shall we go?
  27. Dare I say our time together is actually tolerable?
  28. I have a stratagem.
  29. I shall ensure it is done with no mistakes.
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