1. You don't expect me to go out there and fight, [cdb]do you?!
  2. Why can't you just let me stay inside?
  3. Oh, great. Here we go...
  4. I just want to survive this.
  5. Wow, I did it!
  6. I can improve too, you know.
  7. Maybe this'll help keep me on an even keel.
  8. Seems like fighting's all I do these days.
  9. Have to be strong to survive, I guess.
  10. Woohoo! That went great!
  11. Hey, I did pretty well!
  12. Uh...good enough, I guess?
  13. We were in fine form today! Yeah...
  14. Training together isn't always easy...
  15. Honestly? That was kinda lousy.
  16. Hope this is good for something.
  17. Not that there's any point in me getting stronger...
  18. So, uh, how do I look?
  19. I just wanna go home...
  20. Wow! Thank you so much!
  21. Wow! Thank you so much!
  22. Hey, thanks!
  23. Hey, thanks!
  24. Um...is this a joke?
  25. Wait, so I can keep this?
  26. This is special to me, but I want you to have it!
  27. This is special to me, but I want you to have it!
  28. But I don't wanna be dragged around...
  29. Oh, all right...
  30. Oh, all right...
  31. I don't mind if it's with you.
  32. I don't mind if it's with you.
  33. So this is probably a giant waste of everyone's time, [cdb]but I've got an idea...
  34. I have to pull this off, no matter what.
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