1. Have to do my best!
  2. I'll do what I need to...
  3. Come on, let's go!
  4. Follow my lead!
  5. I'm just glad I could help!
  6. I think I'm improving.
  7. You have to be strong if you want to protect [cdb]people.
  8. One step closer to my goals.
  9. Could have gone better...
  10. That was a great session!
  11. I'm glad it went well.
  12. I need to pick up the slack.
  13. I could never get results like this alone.
  14. Teamwork can really take you places.
  15. Hm, not bad.
  16. Hey, I'm getting better!
  17. This will help everyone out.
  18. Hm, this could work.
  19. Will this make me stronger?
  20. Wait, for me?
  21. Wow, thank you!
  22. Um... Thanks, I guess.
  23. I, um... Thank you so much!
  24. Here, I hope you like this.
  25. OK, let's go.
  26. Where to?
  27. Yes, I can't wait!
  28. What about this?
  29. I'll prepare at once!
  30. <<<EMPTY>>>
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