1. Understood.
  2. So be it.
  3. It is time.
  4. To war.
  5. Child's play.
  6. I desire greater strength.
  7. Death grows...distant.
  8. Inconsequential.
  9. Hmph.
  10. Acceptable.
  11. Insufficient.
  12. Pathetic!
  13. That was...oddly enjoyable.
  14. An amusing diversion.
  15. I grow weary of this.
  16. This is part of me now.
  17. A useful skill.
  18. I demand further strength.
  19. What a strange feeling.
  20. My gratitude.
  21. I'll take it.
  22. Hmph.
  23. Ah!
  24. Take this.
  25. If I must.
  26. Very well.
  27. And our destination?
  28. I have a proposition.
  29. It will be done.
  30. <<<EMPTY>>>
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