1. For House Fraldarius.
  2. Always nice having more to do.
  3. All units, to arms!
  4. Do not lower your guard.
  5. Hahaha! I have some fight in me yet.
  6. Seems I've grown stronger.
  7. My conviction is unshakeable.
  8. I'm ever chasing Lambert's shadow.
  9. Hmm... I was expecting more.
  10. It's been a while since I've worked up a sweat [cdb]like that.
  11. I won't fall behind.
  12. Steady effort begets steady results.
  13. A fine session indeed.
  14. I certainly enjoyed that.
  15. Phew. That will do for now.
  16. For His Majesty.
  17. The more I'm capable of, the more I can help His Majesty.
  18. I welcome this change.
  19. Haha. This seems a good fit.
  20. You know me all too well.
  21. I appreciate the gesture.
  22. Thanks.
  23. Are you sure? I'm...flattered.
  24. I suppose I should thank you.
  25. I will accompany you.
  26. Very well, I'll join you.
  27. Let us be off!
  28. I have a suggestion.
  29. Then let us begin.
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