1. 00:36 - 00:42 .. I owe you one. Honestly, it almost feels like you held back till I needed help.
  2. 00:42 - 00:47 .. Far be it from me to say that you're wrong. Being owed a favor by the emperor herself is...
  3. 00:50 - 00:53 .. Well, then. I guess we can call it even.
  4. 00:53 - 00:56 .. But don't close your ledger just yet, Claude!
  5. 00:56 - 01:01 .. My quill is at the ready, Edelgard. Call in all the favors you want.
  6. 01:04 - 01:10 .. Ready, you guys? It's time we show them... just what Leicester can do in a fight!