Imperial Palace Advisory Room (Enbarr)
link Volkhard volume_up
What? Solon's been unmasked?
link Brawler volume_up
Yes, my lord. Rooted right out of the monastery.
link Volkhard volume_up
First Kronya's debacle and now this. What in the world is going on?
link Brawler volume_up
I know not, my lord. What are we to do?
link Volkhard volume_up
Keep our composure, for a start. Send word to the Kingdom and see that Cleobulus is informed.
link Volkhard volume_up
Tell him to remain prudent. If he must go into hiding, so be it.
link Brawler volume_up
At once, my lord.
link Volkhard volume_up
link Thief volume_up
Lord Regent! I have urgent tidings to report!
link Volkhard volume_up
You may enter.
link Thief volume_up
Forgive the intrusion my lord, but we just learned the Knights of Seiros march on Enbarr.
link Thief volume_up
Their purpose is unclear, but they will arrive by morning. We've been turning ourselves upside down to make ready!
link Brawler volume_up
The Knights of Seiros? No. Do you think...
link Volkhard volume_up
There's only one person who could be behind it. How dare she bare her fangs at us!
link Volkhard volume_up
They may already be within the palace walls!
link Volkhard volume_up
Mobilize the guards and search! If anyone so much as looks at you askance, kill them on the spot!
link Thief volume_up
Yes, my lord.
Somewhere in the Imperial Palace (Enbarr)
link Leopold volume_up
Her Highness has given the signal, Waldemar.
link Waldemar volume_up
Already? I had thought they were still negotiating... Things are moving rather quickly.
link Leopold volume_up
The situation must've changed—our children are still at Garreg Mach, after all.
link Waldemar volume_up
I admire how strong she's become. I just wish we'd had more time to appraise her competence.
link Leopold volume_up
Well if she's caught us with our breeches down, imagine how they feel.
link Leopold volume_up
I can't wait to see the confused look on those dastards' faces... Oh, I'm going to enjoy every second of this!
link Waldemar volume_up
As if you'd be content to watch. Once the battle starts, you'll be knee-deep in gore with all the rest.
link Waldemar volume_up
Which means I'll have to make it clear where I stand. We can't afford to tear the ministry apart by having the pen and sword at odds.