Gerth Territory
link Shez volume_up
This one's been leveled, too. Every last house in the village reduced to ash.
link Shez volume_up
This one's been leveled, too. Every last house in the village, reduced to ash.
link Shez volume_up
Our first push into enemy territory and all we have to show for it is the charred remains of people's lives.
link Shez volume_up
Our first push into enemy territory and all we have to show for it is the charred remains of people's lives.
link Dedue volume_up
The neighboring village was plundered as well. There must have been Imperial soldiers stationed nearby.
link Dimitri volume_up
link Shez volume_up
What is it, Dimitri?
link Shez volume_up
What is it, Dimitri?
link Dimitri volume_up
I don't understand. Why would they do this?
link Dimitri volume_up
Were they trying to stop us from retrieving supplies from these villages? Were they that adamant that we not establish a base here?
link Dimitri volume_up
In a sense...are we responsible for this?
link Dedue volume_up
The fiends oppressed this region heavily. Setting it alight was no far step beyond that.
link Shez volume_up
Looks like they razed the fields, too.
link Shez volume_up
Looked like they razed the fields, too.
link Dimitri volume_up
What wrong had these people committed to deserve such barbarity, such mindless slaughter? And what sort of foul creature would carry it out?
link Shez volume_up
Hard to say. I can get why they might wanna burn the buildings down...but there's no reason to execute all the villagers, too.
link Shez volume_up
Hard to say. I can get why they might wanna burn the buildings down...but there's no reason to execute all the villagers, too.
link Shez volume_up
This isn't usually how the Empire does stuff.
link Shez volume_up
This isn't usually how the Empire does stuff.
link Shez volume_up
Sure, their methods have always been pretty rough, but never downright cruel like this.
link Shez volume_up
Sure, their methods have always been pretty rough, but never downright cruel like this.
link Dimitri volume_up
Agreed. Perhaps this is the result of their failure at Arianrhod.
link Dimitri volume_up
This devastation, this blackened earth... Can this truly be the world she hopes to create?
link Dedue volume_up
I suspect Edelgard is no more than a mere puppet now.
link Dedue volume_up
That, or perhaps a victim of whatever befell Tomas.
link Dimitri volume_up
You may just be right.
link <<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
Urgent news, Your Majesty! The Western Church has launched a surprise attack on our rear flank!
link Dimitri volume_up
I see. And what of our losses?
link <<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
Minimal as of yet, but the enemy makes to join up with the Imperial army and strike again!
link Shez volume_up
What's the call, Dimitri?
link Shez volume_up
What's the call, Dimitri?
link Dimitri volume_up
I'd like to push on, but it seems we will have to put that on hold for now. The Western Church comes first.