link ??? volume_up
Sir, Viscount Phlegethon has sent an urgent appeal to reinforce the front lines on the Great Bridge.
link Claude volume_up
Acheron again? How many times does that make it today?
link ??? volume_up
Only the fourth. He sent eight requests yesterday.
link Claude volume_up
I'll call that an improvement, then. Thanks. Just tell him, "Message received, keep your chin up, and good luck out there."
link ??? volume_up
Yes, sir.
link Shez volume_up
You sure it's OK to just blow him off like that? I mean, I get that it's Acheron, but...
link Shez volume_up
You sure it's OK to just blow him off like that? I mean, I get that it's Acheron, but...
link Claude volume_up
He can deal with it. That guy would rather foist his duties on everyone else than bother to lift a finger himself.
link Claude volume_up
There's a reason we call him the Weathervane. It's a cruel twist of fate that a selfish lord like him controls one of the most important points in the Alliance.
link Shez volume_up
Doesn't sound like things are going so good. We'll be able to hold the bridge, right?
link Shez volume_up
Doesn't sound like things are going so good. We'll be able to hold the bridge, right?
link Claude volume_up
I wish I could say for sure, but I honestly have no idea.
link Claude volume_up
While we've been taking our sweet time getting situated, the enemy's been strengthening their position.
link Lorenz volume_up
Claude! We are nearing the breaking point. My father has sent an urgent request for reinforcements.
link Claude volume_up
Oh boy. Things must be getting really dire if Count Gloucester's sent word as well.
link Lysithea volume_up
Then surely it's time for us to depart.
link Raphael volume_up
We just need to protect the bridge, right?
link Claude volume_up
Yes. If it falls into the Empire's hands, there'll be no keeping the war out of Alliance territory.
link Claude volume_up
Yes. If it falls into the Empire's hands, there'll be no keeping the war out of Alliance territory.
link Ignatz volume_up
I'd hate to see innocent towns and villages getting caught in the fighting.
link Claude volume_up
With the way things are going, though, I think we should be ready to abandon the bridge if necessary.
link Claude volume_up
If we go in determined to hold it at any cost, we could end up sacrificing a lot of lives in a battle we have no hope of winning.
link Leonie volume_up
If worst comes to worst, it'll be up to us to evacuate as many of our soldiers as we can.
link Claude volume_up
The war with the Empire won't end with the coming battle, so I want to keep our losses to the absolute minimum.
link Shamir volume_up
If the Great Bridge of Myrddin falls, then Garreg Mach will be in jeopardy, too.
link Claude volume_up
That's true. And since Edelgard is set on toppling the Central Church, it probably won't end well for them.
link Claude volume_up
What are you going to do, Shamir? Will you return to aid the monastery?
link Shamir volume_up
No. I've repaid my debt to Rhea. I no longer have any ties to the Knights of Seiros.
link Claude volume_up
All right. Then let's adjourn this war council and get moving.
link Raphael volume_up
Yeah! Let's do this!
link Claude volume_up
For the sake of the Alliance, don't hold anything back. I'm counting on each and every one of you!