link Claude volume_up
Did you manage to find Ferdinand and his troops?
link Shamir volume_up
No, but I spotted tracks that suggest they fled toward Garreg Mach.
link ??? volume_up
No, but we found some tracks that indicate they fled in the direction of Garreg Mach Monastery.
link Claude volume_up
So they've given up on the southern route, and are making their way back to the Empire by circling west. It won't be easy to catch them now.
link Hilda volume_up
I'm just relieved that Ferdinand is still alive.
link Marianne volume_up
I must admit, I am too.
link Claude volume_up
Yeah, same here. I just wish we could've caught him, though. Knowing Ferdinand, he's gonna think the only way to redeem himself is by attacking us again.
link Raphael volume_up
Well if he does, I'll just chase him away. I'll send that guy packing as many times as we need!
link Shez volume_up
I'm more worried about Jeralt and his mercenaries.
link Shez volume_up
I'm more worried about Jeralt and his mercenaries.
link Leonie volume_up
I'm with you on that.
link Claude volume_up
Right. Ferdinand would've never escaped if Jeralt's people weren't covering him.
link Claude volume_up
I suspect this won't be the last we see of them. We can't let their smaller numbers lull us into a false sense of security. That's a surefire way to get beaten.
link Claude volume_up
On the bright side, we've taken down most of what was left of the Imperial army's invasion force.
link Claude volume_up
I think it's fair to say the Alliance has officially made it to the other side of this crisis. Great work, everyone!
link Holst volume_up
May I ask what our next move is, my lord?
link Claude volume_up
Well, as you know, the Empire is currently locked in battle with the Kingdom of Faerghus.
link Claude volume_up
With fronts to the east and the west, the Empire is stretched thin. They've been forced to divide their army.
link Claude volume_up
I'd be curious to hear what my favorite mercenary thinks. What would your next move be?
link Arval volume_up
As the brains of this duo, I'll take this one. The answer couldn't be clearer. Attack the enemy's homeland.
link Shez volume_up
First off, I'd fortify our borders. Then we could rally the Alliance army and prepare for what comes next.
link Shez volume_up
First off, I'd fortify our borders. Then we could rally the Alliance army and prepare for what comes next.
link Arval volume_up
OK, that's the exact opposite of what I told you. I'm hurt that you place so little faith in me.
link Holst volume_up
That would only serve to put us in the same position as before, playing defense against the Empire. Now is the time to go on the offensive!
link Shez volume_up
We should cross the Great Bridge of Myrddin and mount an assault on Empire territory. If we move in now, we'll have a real shot at winning.
link Shez volume_up
We should cross the Great Bridge of Myrddin and mount an assault on Empire territory. If we move in now, we'll have a real shot at winning.
link Holst volume_up
Exactly what I was thinking! We should seize the initiative and strike before the emperor and Count Bergliez can muster a response.
link Claude volume_up
I agree. They attacked us first, so we're fully justified in a retaliation.
link Claude volume_up
What's more, if we can claim House Bergliez's farmlands for ourselves, then the Alliance should be sitting pretty for a century to come.
link Ignatz volume_up
Um... Isn't Count Bergliez known for his incredible strength?
link Hilda volume_up
But isn't Count Bergliez supposed to be incredibly tough?
link Claude volume_up
He may be Adrestia's mightiest warrior, but at the end of the day, he's still just one man.
link Claude volume_up
The Empire's invasion of Leicester has failed. That crack in their armor is just the opening we need to strike.
link Raphael volume_up
If victory means peace for the Alliance, I'm all for it! I won't lose to this count, no matter how tough he is!
link Leonie volume_up
I'm sure if we don't take this opportunity, it won't be long before the Empire regroups and attacks us again.
link Lysithea volume_up
I don't approve of this at all. Surely the Alliance army is already exhausted from fighting multiple battles.
link Marianne volume_up
So many of our soldiers are wounded. We should give them time to rest and recover.
link Lorenz volume_up
If our attacks were to somehow fail, then the Alliance would be plunged right back into crisis.
link Lorenz volume_up
And need I remind you, the next time the Empire knocks on our metaphorical door, we will not be able to employ the same tricks again.
link Holst volume_up
We won't fail. I'll handle Count Bergliez myself, and I will vanquish him.
link Hilda volume_up
But Holst, can you really afford to be away from our territory for so long? Almyra could strike at any moment!
link Arval volume_up
My, this conversation's certainly gotten heated. Do I sense another roundtable meeting in the works?
link Shez volume_up
Seems like this kinda decision would need one of those conferences, huh?
link Shez volume_up
Seems like this kinda decision would need one of those conferences, huh?
link Claude volume_up
That's how it goes around here, yeah. I guess we'll just have to table this discussion until then.