link Leopold volume_up
So, the Alliance army turned tail and ran. Surprising. It looked like they had plenty of fight left in them.
link Monica volume_up
They received some sort of urgent message. I imagine that means a crisis has popped up somewhere in the Alliance.
link Leopold volume_up
Almyra, probably.
link Monica volume_up
After only two years? The Almyrans have certainly grown restless lately.
link Leopold volume_up
Maybe they're in the middle of a succession. Been 20 years or so since their current king took the throne, after all.
link Caspar volume_up
So what are we gonna do? Go after 'em?
link Leopold volume_up
No. We'll let them go.
link Caspar volume_up
But when the Imperial army tried to withdraw from the Alliance, they were hunted down! Destroyed! We should give them a taste of their own medicine!
link Leopold volume_up
The enemy's retreat takes them through our territory's richest grainfields. If we engage them, the Empire's breadbasket will go up in flames.
link Leopold volume_up
What's more, they're leaving those fields untouched when they could just as easily set them ablaze.
link Leopold volume_up
We'll repay their decency in kind.
link Caspar volume_up
Well, OK. If that's how you wanna play it.
link Monica volume_up
Minister Bergliez, I must return to the emperor and brief her on these latest developments.
link Leopold volume_up
Do what you must. But please deliver a message from me as well.
link Leopold volume_up
About this war with the Alliance...