Raphael: What a terrible predicament.
Leonie: It is strange.
Gustave: I'm seriously at a loss.
link Shez
No sign of an exit. I wonder if the others have found anything.
link Shez
No sign of an exit. I wonder if the others have found anything.
link Shez
Guess I should check out that distortion...
link Shez
Guess I should check out that distortion...
link Shez
Guess I should check out that distortion...
link Shez
Guess I should check out that distortion...
link Shez
Guess I should check out that distortion...
link Shez
Guess I should check out that distortion...
link Shez
What is this thing? I'm sensing some kinda weird power coming from it.
link Shez
What is this thing? I'm sensing some kinda weird power coming from it.
link Claude
Desperate times call for desperate measures. We need to use anything we can get our hands on.
link Edelgard
What a terrible predicament we're in. I wonder what would happen if we never escaped.
link Edelgard
Claude isn't hiding anything from me, is he? I find it hard to trust him entirely.
link Edelgard
For now, let us explore this area and see if we can find any clues.
link Shez
He's not, I promise. Besides, trusting him is the only option you've got right now.
link Shez
He's not, I promise. Besides, trusting him is the only option you've got right now.
link Edelgard
Well, at the very least, I doubt he would betray you, since you are his close friend.
link Edelgard
For now, let us explore this area and see if we can find any clues.
link Shez
Hah, he has a real hard time getting people to trust him. But honestly, I think we'll be fine.
link Shez
Hah, he has a real hard time getting people to trust him. But honestly, I think we'll be fine.
link Edelgard
I get the feeling you laugh because you know what he's capable of. But no matter, I suppose...
link Edelgard
For now, let us explore this area and see if we can find any clues.
link Shez
Seems like Dimitri and Claude are in the middle of some kinda discussion.
link Shez
Seems like Dimitri and Claude are in the middle of some kinda discussion.
link Dimitri
It is strange to fight alongside those who would otherwise be my mortal enemies.
link Dimitri
However, we have no choice but to cooperate. I shall do what I can to help.
link Dimitri
I must return to my compatriots as soon as possible. Let us see what we can find around here.
link Shez
It's actually nice having such a formidable foe on our side, even if it's temporary.
link Shez
It's actually nice having such a formidable foe on our side, even if it's temporary.
link Dimitri
Yes, we have a truce until we can make our escape, so I am at your service. I am quite skilled at anything requiring physical strength.
link Dimitri
I must return to my compatriots as soon as possible. Let us see what we can find around here.
link Shez
Are you serious? We were at each other's throats not that long ago. We could settle things right now.
link Shez
Are you serious? We were at each other's throats not that long ago. We could settle things right now.
link Dimitri
No. I am well aware of the position we are in, even if I do not understand the entire situation.
link Dimitri
I must return to my compatriots as soon as possible. Let us see what we can find around here.
link Shez
Looks like Edelgard and Claude are having a chat. Can't tell if it's a pleasant one or not.
link Shez
Looks like Edelgard and Claude are having a chat. Can't tell if it's a pleasant one or not.
link Claude
I'm at a real loss here... What do you think, [HERO_MF]? Any flashes of inspiration about where we are?
link Claude
Actually, I have a feeling I already know the answer. Hoo boy, things are not looking up.
link Claude
On the bright side, we're trapped with the two most stubborn people on the planet. I'm sure we can get through this if we work together.
link Shez
Try not to worry. I'm sure we'll find a way out if we work together.
link Shez
Try not to worry. I'm sure we'll find a way out if we work together.
link Claude
I hope you're right, because even I don't know what to do here.
link Claude
I'm sure our friends are worried about our little disappearing act. We need to get back as soon as possible.
link Claude
On the bright side, we're trapped with the two most stubborn people on the planet. I'm sure we can get through this if we work together.
link Shez
Yeah, I...dunno what's going on. I just hope we can all get back safe.
link Shez
Yeah, I...dunno what's going on. I just hope we can all get back safe.
link Claude
Being pessimistic won't get us anywhere. I'm not about to let myself rot away in here.
link Claude
On the bright side, we're trapped with the two most stubborn people on the planet. I'm sure we can get through this if we work together.