link Flayn volume_up
Dorothea! Dorothea!
link Dorothea volume_up
Hello, Flayn. What's got you in such a frenzy?
link Flayn volume_up
Is it true that you were a diva in Enbarr?
link Flayn volume_up
And that you were praised as having a mystical voice?
link Dorothea volume_up
I hope I'm more than just my voice, but that's all essentially true, yes.
link Flayn volume_up
Then I would beg a boon of you!
link Flayn volume_up
Would you give me a singing lesson?
link Dorothea volume_up
Of course. But where is this coming from?
link Flayn volume_up
Well you see, sometimes the soldiers all break out into song.
link Flayn volume_up
And when they do, I always find myself wanting to join in. Their voices hold such grand aplomb!
link Flayn volume_up
But the only songs I know are dreadfully old...
link Flayn volume_up
So I had hoped that you might instruct me as to the popular songs of modern soldiers.
link Dorothea volume_up
Is that so? Well, I'd be more than happy to help.
link Dorothea volume_up
In recent years, a new musical style has come into fashion—one involving challenging songs with many overlapping parts.
link Dorothea volume_up
Why don't we start with a little vocal warm up? Repeat after me...
link Flayn volume_up
Certainly, Professor Dorothea!
link Dorothea volume_up
♪Do re mi fa sol la ti dooooo!♪
link Flayn volume_up
♪Do re mi fa sol la ti dooooo!♪
link Flayn volume_up
My! I feel as if I have become quite good at singing!
link Flayn volume_up
The power of song is certainly remarkable. It is as if I have been revitalized from the very core of my being.
link Dorothea volume_up
I agree. Songs can be very empowering indeed.
link Dorothea volume_up
In fact, I recently heard an old tale about how a song once ended a war.
link Flayn volume_up
Truly? I have never heard this tale!
link Flayn volume_up
Would you mind regaling me with it?
link Dorothea volume_up
Sadly, I don't know much more beyond that.
link Dorothea volume_up
I'll do some digging, but the person I heard it from wasn't too familiar with the story. Try not to get your hopes up, OK?
link Flayn volume_up
Oh. I see.
link Flayn volume_up
Perhaps my brother might...
link Flayn volume_up
link Dorothea volume_up
link Flayn volume_up
Oh, it is nothing. Since you will be looking into it, I shall do a bit of digging as well.
link Flayn volume_up
If I learn anything, I will be certain to tell you!