link Ferdinand volume_up
Goodness, someone has been neglecting your care! Worry not, fair mare—I shall have your coat glistening in no time.
link Leonie volume_up
link Ferdinand volume_up
Hmm. Someone is doing a rather slapdash job of maintaining this equipment. Best take care of it.
link Leonie volume_up
I wasn't aware you were responsible for cleaning the training gear, Ferdinand.
link Ferdinand volume_up
I am not. Still, I cannot just leave it like this—and all will benefit if our equipment has a longer life.
link Leonie volume_up
In that case, let me lend a hand. I actually enjoy this kind of thing.
link Ferdinand volume_up
You have my thanks. Perhaps you might be so good as to start with that piece there?
link Leonie volume_up
Say, Ferdinand?
link Leonie volume_up
Are you really a noble?
link Ferdinand volume_up
I beg your pardon? What a horrid question.
link Ferdinand volume_up
If I am not considered noble, then who is?
link Ferdinand volume_up
After all, I am Ferdinand von Aegir!
link Leonie volume_up
Yes, you've made that quite clear on many occasions.
link Ferdinand volume_up
Then are you attempting to remind me that the succession of House Aegir's peerage is on hold?
link Ferdinand volume_up
It is unkind to prod at a man's sore spot like that— though I will not hesitate to add it does not mean my rank has been seized entirely.
link Leonie volume_up
That's not what I mean either.
link Leonie volume_up
I understand you hold a noble's rank. It's just... Well, something about you as a person reminds me of a commoner.
link Ferdinand volume_up
Such cheek! How can I remind you of base rabble when I strive without end to be the noblest of them all?
link Leonie volume_up
Because you take the initiative to muck out stables and clean filthy training gear?
link Leonie volume_up
Most nobles I know wouldn't dream of doing such things—they'd just have the "rabble" do it.
link Ferdinand volume_up
It is my belief that nobility must serve as a model— nay, a beacon—for the commonfolk.
link Ferdinand volume_up
Doubly so in places like this, where people of different social status live alongside one another.
link Ferdinand volume_up
It is precisely because of who I am that I must take the initiative. Such actions make a noble.
link Leonie volume_up
A praiseworthy mindset. But do any nobles besides you actually put it into practice?
link Leonie volume_up
I don't know about the Empire, but I'm dang sure Leicester nobles don't think that way.
link Leonie volume_up
Just seeing commoners makes the bile rise in their throats. I'd say they treat us like animals, except they actually seem to appreciate their animals.
link Leonie volume_up
Lorenz also draws stark lines between nobles and commoners, but he's a little better than the others.
link Ferdinand volume_up
Well, he is one of the nobles I find to be of merit.
link Ferdinand volume_up
Regardless, your suspicion is correct—the Empire does have its fair share of nobles who bring shame to the appellation.
link Ferdinand volume_up
I fear the Empire also has its share of nobles who bring shame to the appellation.
link Ferdinand volume_up
But I will not allow them to set the standard for Imperial nobility.
link Leonie volume_up
Huh. Maybe there's some kinda cultural difference.