link Shez volume_up
Hey Ingrid. Not too often I see you wandering in town like this.
link Ingrid volume_up
Oh! I, um, was just out for a walk. What about you? Are you here to do some shopping?
link Shez volume_up
Yeah, Dedue asked me to pick up some ingredients for dinner.
link Ingrid volume_up
Well, if it is food shopping you're after, then your best bet would be the boulevard past the river.
link Shez volume_up
Uh, what're you so flustered for? You're not hiding something, are you?
link Ingrid volume_up
What, me? No, not at all! It's nothing, really. I'm just...surprised how much you can find here.
link Shez volume_up
It's a far cry from the struggling little towns dotting the rest of the Kingdom, that's for sure.
link Ingrid volume_up
Yes. Galatea is one of the regions that's found itself facing particularly hard times lately.
link Ingrid volume_up
A beautiful town like this filled with happy people hardly feels like it's a part of the same Kingdom as the blighted, barren lands I call home.
link Ingrid volume_up
The street lined end to end with blacksmiths is an especially magnificent sight. Not to mention all the wonderful smells wafting from the food stalls...
link Ingrid volume_up
Ahem, sorry. I lost myself for a moment there. In any case, it's great to see just how prosperous this town has become.
link Shez volume_up
Don't worry, I get where you're coming from. Seems like there's barely any crime here, either.
link Ingrid volume_up
I suppose I have much to learn from this town as the future Count Galatea.
link Shez volume_up
Hey, you wanna go take a peek at some of those stalls with me? We can grab a bite and keep walking if you want.
link Shez volume_up
I saw some mouthwatering meat skewers when I passed by earlier, and this time of year's got the best fruit and fish.
link Ingrid volume_up
Truly?! I'd love to try some.
link Ingrid volume_up
Though, it would not be proper for me to be engaging in such revelry as the future Count Galatea...
link Shez volume_up
Hey, speaking of. Have you figured out what you wanna do yet?
link Ingrid volume_up
Not at the moment, no. In fact, part of the reason I came into town today was to do some further searching.
link Ingrid volume_up
It's my dream in life to stand as a knight by His Majesty's side, just as my late fiancé once did.
link Ingrid volume_up
And even if I do not become a knight like he was, there must be a way I can protect His Majesty in a similar fashion.
link Ingrid volume_up
Perhaps I could teach the people of my house the ways of farming, and travel the Kingdom cultivating land for those who need it most.
link Shez volume_up
That's an idea. Definitely an unusual job for a count, but it'll be welcome for sure.
link Shez volume_up
And if you managed to help the Kingdom prosper while you did it, people would grow more and more satisfied with the royal family's rule.
link Shez volume_up
That's certainly one way to protect the king.
link Shez volume_up
If that's the path you choose for yourself, I'll do whatever I can to support you. That's what friends do, after all.
link Ingrid volume_up
In that case, what would you think of cooperating with me once I inherit my family's title?
link Ingrid volume_up
Just as Tobias did for my grandmother.
link Shez volume_up
Don't tell me, you'd ask me to fetch you meat skewers every day to save you the trip into town?
link Ingrid volume_up
What? I would never!
link Shez volume_up
It was just a joke, don't worry. But I seriously do wanna help. I believe in you, Ingrid.
link Shez volume_up
If that's how it's gonna be, maybe I could pitch in once you finally take the title of Count Galatea.
link Shez volume_up
I could be your personal mercenary, just like Tobias was for your grandma.
link Ingrid volume_up
You do realize how much work that would be, don't you?
link Ingrid volume_up
My grandmother gave those mercenaries every task under the sun, and then some.
link Ingrid volume_up
My grandmother gave those mercenaries every task under the sun, and then some.
link Shez volume_up
Pfft, I can handle anything you throw at me, no problem. Even if you asked me to fetch you meat skewers every day to save you a trip into town.
link Ingrid volume_up
What? I would never!
link Ingrid volume_up
Still, thank you for the offer. I will hold you to it.