link Shez volume_up
That's not true at all.
link ??? volume_up
link Lysithea volume_up
Oh, look who it is.
link Shez volume_up
You really don't look like a kid. You shouldn't worry about it.
link ??? volume_up
You think so?
link Shez volume_up
Yeah. Now that I really look at you, I think you're a very pretty young woman. You act real mature too.
link ??? volume_up
Oh, you're just saying that. I'm not like that at all...
link Lysithea volume_up
link Lysithea volume_up
Excuse me! Just what do you think you're doing?!
link Shez volume_up
Whoa! What's wrong, Lysithea?
link Lysithea volume_up
You were speaking to a girl just now, correct?
link Shez volume_up
Just now? Oh yeah, I was. What about it?
link Lysithea volume_up
Care to explain that line you fed her?
link Shez volume_up
What? Did I say something weird?
link Lysithea volume_up
Allow me to refresh your memory. "Now that I really look at you, I think you're a very pretty young woman. You act real mature too."
link Lysithea volume_up
You said the same exact thing to me! Remember?
link Lysithea volume_up
I'm not a fool, you know! So what, you just go around spouting off the same lines to everyone?
link Shez volume_up
Whoa, wait, wait! Just calm down. I know, that was wrong of me. But I do have an explanation.
link Lysithea volume_up
By all means, enlighten me.
link Shez volume_up
Just hear me out. You might've noticed, but giving advice isn't exactly my strong suit.
link Shez volume_up
And yet for some reason, people always ask for my opinion on their problems.
link Shez volume_up
I never know what's best or how to respond. So I memorized a bunch of lines from some stories so that I'd at least have something to say.
link Shez volume_up
And it just so happens, one of those lines is complimenting a girl...
link Lysithea volume_up
So what you said didn't come from you, but rather some fictional character?
link Shez volume_up
Yeah, that about sums it up. I'm really sorry.
link Lysithea volume_up
And then when people have asked for your advice, you've just parroted back some meaningless words! I can't believe you!
link Shez volume_up
I thought it would be better than people getting mad at me for being honest.
link Lysithea volume_up
Hearing the truth is always more preferable! So tell me now, what do you honestly think of me?
link Shez volume_up
It's extremely difficult for me to express what I feel in my heart.
link Shez volume_up
But I'll just say this.
link Shez volume_up
You don't have to try so hard to impress people. You're at your most attractive when you're just being you, because you already are extraordinary.
link Shez volume_up
To be honest, half the time I don't even understand how I feel myself.
link Shez volume_up
But if I had to put it into words, I'd say...
link Shez volume_up
You make me smile when you're around. You're interesting, all the time. When I'm with you, it's like I never wanna leave.
link Lysithea volume_up
link Lysithea volume_up that so? Very well. I will endeavor to keep that in mind.
link Lysithea volume_up
I apologize for pressing you. I have matters I must attend to right now, so, uh...
link Shez volume_up
Aw man, I ended up using someone else's words again. That really is the way I feel, so... She'd understand, right?
link Shez volume_up
I wanted to tell her that she's fun and I never get bored around her, but it came out all weird. Ah well, hopefully she got it.