- A facility where units can train in the art of
[cdb]battle and gain experience for a specific class.
- An academy for learning a variety of battle
[cdb]tactics. Can improve a unit's talents and
[cdb]unique abilities.
- A facility for manufacturing and strengthening
[cdb]gear. Bring resources here to forge and repair
- An area of the camp dedicated to the soldiers'
[cdb]quality of life. Improve bonds with allies by
[cdb]sharing meals, volunteering, or expeditions.
- An area of the camp where only the most
[cdb]reputable merchants have set up shop.
Buy and sell a variety of goods here.
- A guild of fierce fighters looking to make a
[cdb]name for themselves in battle. Pay their
[cdb]contract fee to be able to use them in combat.
- A facility that manages the base's surplus
[cdb]goods. Trade resources for other supplies.
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