1. It is the end of 1181. Two years have passed [cdb]since the Officers Academy closed its doors. Having ascended the throne of Adrestia, Edelgard has begun to enact sweeping change.
  2. The Holy Kingdom of Faerghus now calls Dimitri its king, while Claude reigns over the Leicester Alliance. All three house leaders have [cdb]found their wings as rulers of a new generation.
  3. With the whole of Fódlan still reeling from [cdb]these rapid changes, Edelgard decides the time [cdb]has come to usher in a new era.
  4. The Empire captures Garreg Mach. And when [cdb]the lords of Faerghus and Leicester declare [cdb]their allegiances to the Central Church, they [cdb]incur Edelgard's ire.
  5. She sends one army to the Alliance under the [cdb]command of her war minister, Count Bergliez, [cdb]and leads a second herself to the Kingdom's Castle Gaspard, the bastion of northern Rowe.
  6. The Empire achieves early success in the war [cdb]thanks to House Gloucester, a noble Alliance [cdb]house whose vows of allegiance and safe passage [cdb]were key to the quick capture of Garreg Mach.
  7. But Count Gloucester breaks his oath and [cdb]turns on Bergliez's troops. Trapped in hostile [cdb]territory with their supply routes severed, [cdb]the Imperial army's outlook appears bleak.
  8. To rescue Count Bergliez, Edelgard seizes [cdb]the Great Bridge of Myrddin, forcing Count Gloucester's surrender. With no time to lose, [cdb]she then presses on, unbowed.
  9. But Claude is not one to be caught off guard. He rallies every resource at his disposal, [cdb]determined to tighten the noose around Bergliez's forces and prevent any rescue.
  10. When he learns of the Empire's struggle, Dimitri decides the time is right to strike. He [cdb]moves swiftly to drive the Empire out, toppling [cdb]one unfaithful western lord after another.
  11. Finally, he descends on Arianrhod—seat of Count Rowe, the first lord to betray him. Thus [cdb]does Edelgard's army begin another grueling [cdb]march to rescue a different count.
  12. Despite successfully defending Arianrhod, Edelgard concludes it is no longer possible for [cdb]her to hold the eastern and western lines at the [cdb]same time, and pauses to explore solutions.
  13. Almost as if trading places, she sends Count Bergliez to the Kingdom front and returns her [cdb]own forces to the Imperial capital of Enbarr.
  14. It is now 1182. The great war Edelgard [cdb]instigated has swept across Fódlan, and looks [cdb]more grim with each passing day.
  15. The Empire struggles to hold Arianrhod to the [cdb]west and the Great Bridge to the east. The Kingdom cannot bring western lands to heel. Even the Alliance must face changing times.
  16. The Central Church sends the Knights of Seiros to the Imperial capital to assassinate the [cdb]emperor, but fails. Roughly half a year passes [cdb]before the tides show any true sign of shifting.
  17. Five months have passed since the attack on the [cdb]emperor, and 1182 nears a close. Though each [cdb]army schemes, the battle maps barely change. But now, history is about to resume its course.
  18. Through a new pact with the Leicester Alliance, Edelgard can direct her might at the Kingdom. And though it comes at no small [cdb]price, her forces steadily gain the upper hand.
  19. But the Kingdom does not stand idly by. Dimitri rallies the western lords—led by House Dominic, blood of one of the Ten Elites— [cdb]in a last-ditch effort to forestall the Empire.
  20. Having smashed the Kingdom's last desperate [cdb]defense, the Empire takes the battle north. Further pressure from the Alliance to the east [cdb]forces King Dimitri to make a difficult choice.
  21. Will the Empire and Alliance prevail and unite Fódlan? Just as all begin to entertain the [cdb]possibility, those most opposed to the idea [cdb]finally emerge from the shadows.
  22. After a furious march, Edelgard's army restores [cdb]a measure of peace to the imperiled lands [cdb]of Hrym, only to learn of a revolt at Fort Merceus, staged by the deposed Duke Aegir.
  23. The disturbance in Hrym was but a feint to [cdb]give those who slither in the dark time to [cdb]capture Merceus and eventually the capital of Enbarr—but Edelgard moves to thwart them.
  24. Edelgard succeeds in containing Aegir's [cdb]insurgency, and while she is concerned by the [cdb]absence of the nefarious Thales, she prepares [cdb]her army for the next step regardless.
  25. The time is nigh to crush the Kingdom and Central Church's growing momentum and put [cdb]an end to the war. But no one knows that fate [cdb]holds another a cruel twist...
  26. The time is nigh to crush the Kingdom and Central Church's growing momentum and put [cdb]an end to the war once and for all.
  27. The Empire manages to prevail over the Kingdom and Central Church's coalition [cdb]despite the Alliance's declaration of war— [cdb]but Archbishop Rhea is nowhere to be found.
  28. The Empire somehow manages to prevail over [cdb]the Kingdom and Central Church's coalition— [cdb]but Archbishop Rhea is nowhere to be found.
  29. Edelgard and the others soon realize the [cdb]archbishop aims to use Ailell's secret trails to [cdb]lead a surprise attack on Garreg Mach, so the Empire regroups and moves to intervene.
  30. It is now 1183, Blue Sea Moon. The Empire [cdb]has freed Garreg Mach and put the Knights of Seiros and those who slither in the dark to rout.
  31. Amidst the fighting, Archbishop Rhea and Thales both go missing. With no one to lead, [cdb]the Central Church's influence wanes, and [cdb]those who slither in the dark vanish.
  32. But due to Claude's breaking of a pact to serve [cdb]his own ambitions, the Empire and Leicester Alliance soon return to war.
  33. Bloodshed between the three ruling powers of Fódlan—Empire, Alliance, and the beleaguered Kingdom—rages on with no end in sight.
  34. As the Empire and the Leicester Alliance [cdb]reaffirm their friendly relations, Edelgard [cdb]prepares for her final battle with the Kingdom, [cdb]determined to see her vision made real.