1. I handled it well.
  2. No mercy for our enemies!
  3. I wasn't about to let you get away.
  4. I actually did it!
  5. Yes! I beat them!
  6. This place is ours now!
  7. Good, we seized it!
  8. Now we have the advantage!
  9. I learned a lot from our fight!
  10. I won, but only by a hair. You really are [cdb]strong, Claude!
  11. We fought face-to-face with honor!
  12. I actually beat Raphael? Then strength isn't [cdb]just about muscle mass!
  13. I'm so sorry, Marianne! I really didn't want to [cdb]fight you.
  14. It's an honor to claim victory against you!
  15. I can't believe I beat you! Am I dreaming?
  16. <<<EMPTY>>>
  17. <<<EMPTY>>>
  18. <<<EMPTY>>>
  19. I have to believe that one day we'll fight [cdb]side-by-side again!
  20. <<<EMPTY>>>
  21. <<<EMPTY>>>
  22. <<<EMPTY>>>
  23. <<<EMPTY>>>
  24. I'm sorry, but I can't let my feelings interfere [cdb]with my duty.
  25. Duty demanded this. You have my apologies.
  26. I had no idea I could do that! I'm glad I [cdb]persevered!
  27. I won't stop here! I'm going to keep getting [cdb]stronger!
  28. No, I'm all right! Really...
  29. I hope this isn't where I die...
  30. Appreciate that!
  31. Thank you!
  32. Thanks so much!
  33. That was a close one.
  34. Keep it up!
  35. You did it!
  36. Amazing!
  37. That is impressive!
  38. We'd be lost without you!
  39. Claude, you're incredible!
  40. Outstanding, Lorenz!
  41. Looks like you're having fun, Raphael!
  42. Fantastic work, Marianne!
  43. What strength!
  44. I know full well what you can do.
  45. <<<EMPTY>>>
  46. <<<EMPTY>>>
  47. <<<EMPTY>>>
  48. What an amazing accomplishment! I hope I [cdb]can be as useful as you.
  49. There's so much I could learn from you, Lorenz!
  50. You're doing great, Raphael! I have to [cdb]keep up!
  51. Wonderful, Marianne! But don't overexert [cdb]yourself.
  52. I hope I can be as brave as you, Leonie!
  53. How much did they have to train to get that [cdb]strong? I need to work harder!
  54. Their strength is truly humbling. I need to live [cdb]up to their example.
  55. Wow, you really are powerful! I could never [cdb]hope to compare.
  56. Your might is awe-inspiring, Lorenz!
  57. Wow, Raphael! I need to put in some work if I [cdb]want to keep up with you!
  58. That's phenomenal, Marianne! You give me [cdb]the courage to keep fighting!
  59. Such power! You always surpass my [cdb]expectations!
  60. I want to fight as your equal! I'll get there [cdb]soon, just you wait!
  61. Thanks to you, House Gloucester will reach [cdb]new levels of fame!
  62. I want to be as strong and kind as you, Raphael.
  63. You're so majestic when you fight, Marianne. I'd like to paint you sometime.
  64. That's wonderful, Leonie! I hope to be on [cdb]your level someday!
  65. No! We'll be in trouble if this keeps up.
  66. Ugh! I'm no match for them.
  67. I knew they were tough. But I won't give up!
  68. We can't keep letting them get the better [cdb]of us!
  69. Ngh... I think I'm outmatched.
  70. Now, charge and attack!
  71. We must guard this position!
  72. No! That position is under attack!
  73. Oh no! It fell to the enemy! If only I had [cdb]stopped them... I'm sorry.
  74. This is as far as you go! I'll not concede!
  75. I'll face you!
  76. No matter who it is, I won't yield a single step!
  77. I'm coming for you and I'm not holding back!
  78. I'll fight you with everything I have!
  79. I won't let you mess with me anymore, Claude!
  80. I can't back down either! Please don't make [cdb]me do this, Lorenz!
  81. I may lack physical strength, but I will still [cdb]defeat you!
  82. I won't ask for your forgiveness. Prepare yourself, Marianne!
  83. To be honest, I wish we were on the [cdb]same side...
  84. I won't run away! I'll use everything I've got to [cdb]stop you!
  85. <<<EMPTY>>>
  86. <<<EMPTY>>>
  87. <<<EMPTY>>>
  88. I'm glad I could help!
  89. I'm sorry, but that's all I can do.
  90. Ngh... No, not here...
  91. It can't end here!
  92. I'll make the necessary preparations. I leave [cdb]the rest to you!
  93. Apologies for the delay. Allow me to assist [cdb]you!
  94. I, Ignatz Victor, have arrived!
  95. This isn't over yet!
  96. I've returned! Now I'll show you what I can [cdb]really do.
  97. Wish I...could've seen more of the world.
  98. I'll paint us a path to victory!
  99. We will win this!
  100. I want to do my part.
  101. They're in trouble! We have to hurry and [cdb]help them!
  102. Are you all prepared to meet the enemy?
  103. We don't have many options here. We need to [cdb]retreat!
  104. We cannot lose this battle! We will seize [cdb]victory!
  105. We can win this!
  106. No matter the disadvantage, I believe we can [cdb]turn things around!
  107. I've got to pull it together.
  108. I can't show any weakness in front of them!
  109. We did it! We won!
  110. I'm glad we managed to pull through.
  111. They're safe now. What a relief.
  112. We held strong and fended off their assault!
  113. We should be safe now. I'd call that a [cdb]successful retreat!
  114. There's nothing more beautiful than the scene [cdb]after a hard-won victory!
  115. There's no point in continuing now. How can I be so useless?
  116. I'm sorry, everyone. I was too weak.
  117. The winds have shifted in our favor! We'll surely succeed now!
  118. Our battle just got tougher. But so long as we [cdb]don't give up, we can open a path to victory!
  119. Good, there's a way forward now. Onward!
  120. Oh no, the path is blocked. We can't proceed.
  121. I'm going!
  122. I'll provide backup!
  123. I'll lend you a hand, if that's all right.
  124. Press onward!
  125. Please, assist them!
  126. Please, go to their rescue!
  127. Please, defend that area!
  128. I'm sorry to be a burden, but I need help!
  129. Excuse me! Would you stand with me?
  130. Please, lend me your strength! You're my [cdb]last hope!
  131. Excuse me, but would you fight alongside me?
  132. Please, I need your aid! You're the only one I [cdb]can ask!
  133. I haven't left my mark on the world yet, so I [cdb]can't die here!
  134. Our morale is plummeting. We have to rally [cdb]somehow.
  135. I think this will go well!
  136. I'm prepared to see this through!
  137. Yes! That went great!
  138. I'm just glad I could be of service!
  139. I'm so sorry. I failed...
  140. It seems I couldn't pull through at the end.
  141. Another step toward victory!
  142. I'll do better next time, I promise.
  143. Let's do this!
  144. We did it! We did!
  145. We failed? No...
  146. This is awful! We have to do something!