1. All right, who's next?
  2. Did that help?
  3. I'm getting better every minute.
  4. Keep 'em coming!
  5. I'm not dying here.
  6. I'll be capturing this now. Thanks!
  7. Good, we've gained control!
  8. Probably best to hold this position, right?
  9. Sorry, but you're no match for me!
  10. Fight harder, would you? You're going to [cdb]embarrass the captain!
  11. I beat the captain?! I can't believe it.
  12. Did you underestimate me, Claude? I'm not as [cdb]weak as you think!
  13. Sorry, Lorenz. No hard feelings!
  14. <<<EMPTY>>>
  15. <<<EMPTY>>>
  16. <<<EMPTY>>>
  17. <<<EMPTY>>>
  18. <<<EMPTY>>>
  19. I thought you'd be stronger than that.
  20. <<<EMPTY>>>
  21. <<<EMPTY>>>
  22. <<<EMPTY>>>
  23. <<<EMPTY>>>
  24. I won, but it didn't feel good.
  25. Sorry, but I can't afford to hold back now!
  26. I might not be a first-rate mercenary, but I'm [cdb]one step closer now!
  27. That's not good enough! I'm not stopping [cdb]until I'm the best of the best!
  28. One slip could cost me my life...
  29. Not looking good...
  30. Thanks!
  31. That did the trick!
  32. So kind.
  33. Thank you.
  34. Fun to watch.
  35. The next one's mine.
  36. You're on fire!
  37. I won't be outdone!
  38. Wow, I guess all that combat experience comes [cdb]in handy.
  39. No way the captain's kid is gonna rest on [cdb]those laurels.
  40. I knew you were amazing, Captain Jeralt!
  41. Nice moves, Claude!
  42. You really are something else, Lorenz.
  43. Way to go, Linhardt!
  44. I can't let you show me up!
  45. <<<EMPTY>>>
  46. <<<EMPTY>>>
  47. <<<EMPTY>>>
  48. Impressive. I'd expect no less from a veteran [cdb]like you!
  49. Great one, Raphael! We're all counting on [cdb]those muscles!
  50. I have some pretty big boots to fill, but I'll [cdb]catch up to you someday!
  51. Battles are never boring with you around, Ignatz!
  52. <<<EMPTY>>>
  53. You did all that by yourself? That's incredible.
  54. You accomplished that much on your own? Extraordinary.
  55. Well I wasn't expecting that. Just how strong [cdb]are you?
  56. That's about what I'd expect knowing the [cdb]captain trained you!
  57. Did you see that? That's why they call him the Blade Breaker!
  58. What a performance, Claude! And I bet you [cdb]have more tricks up your sleeve.
  59. Wow, you've defeated a ton of enemies, Lorenz. No other noble compares!
  60. You're always so confident. I could learn a [cdb]thing or two from you!
  61. Your fists are on fire, Raphael!
  62. You've got my back, and I've got yours, Captain!
  63. If you've come this far, Ignatz, where does that [cdb]leave me?
  64. <<<EMPTY>>>
  65. How dare you!
  66. I'll get you for this!
  67. I guess that's no surprise.
  68. I'll put a stop to you!
  69. This one's gonna be a problem!
  70. All right, take it down!
  71. We can't let this stronghold fall!
  72. I think they're in trouble over there.
  73. There's no point in fighting anymore with that [cdb]position lost.
  74. Ready for a taste of Blade Breaker style?
  75. I won't back down!
  76. I won't hold back, even against you!
  77. Fine, I'll take you on!
  78. Let's see what you're made of!
  79. I'll show you that I'm the captain's greatest [cdb]apprentice!
  80. I look forward to the lesson, Captain!
  81. You better give me all you got, Claude! Or else you're in for a world of pain!
  82. Looks like your luck's run out, Lorenz. Prepare to be defeated!
  83. You won't beat me!
  84. <<<EMPTY>>>
  85. <<<EMPTY>>>
  86. <<<EMPTY>>>
  87. <<<EMPTY>>>
  88. That's that!
  89. I'm falling back for now. I don't wanna [cdb]die here.
  90. No! How could I disgrace the captain [cdb]like this?
  91. Don't think this is over! 'Cause it's not!
  92. OK, it's time. I gotta step away for a bit!
  93. Need a talented mercenary?
  94. I'll defeat every last one of you!
  95. Time to show you what I can really do!
  96. Sorry for the wait! Let's get 'em!
  97. I'm sorry, Captain. I couldn't keep my promise.
  98. We're going to win this!
  99. I'll show you what I'm made of!
  100. Let's get fired up!
  101. They're in trouble! Hurry up and [cdb]rescue them!
  102. Hold your ground! That's the only way we get [cdb]through this!
  103. I hate to admit it, but we have to run. Don't fall behind!
  104. I'll use everything the captain taught me and [cdb]come out on top!
  105. Yeah, I'm ready to go!
  106. Who cares if we're at a disadvantage? We'll turn the tables lickety-split!
  107. You talk big now, but I'll have you bawling in [cdb]a second!
  108. I'll show no mercy, no matter my opponent!
  109. Ha, that was a piece of cake!
  110. We barely eked out a victory. I wasn't sure [cdb]which way that would go.
  111. All right, a successful rescue! I'm glad [cdb]they're safe.
  112. Perseverance won the day! Great work, [cdb]everyone!
  113. Looks like we managed to shake them. Phew, [cdb]that was nerve-wracking...
  114. We chose the right path! This victory [cdb]proves it!
  115. Is this it for us?! No!
  116. Pathetic. I don't deserve to be the captain's [cdb]apprentice.
  117. Great! The battle's turned in our favor!
  118. Looks like the battle's turned in the enemy's [cdb]favor. We have to stem the tide!
  119. Move on through!
  120. Hey, clear a path! What a pain.
  121. I've got this!
  122. Whoa, I should go help!
  123. I'll fight alongside you!
  124. Advance! On the double!
  125. It's not looking good over there. Go on and help!
  126. You have to go save them!
  127. Defend that area! I'm counting on you!
  128. Ugh, I'm not fit to call myself a mercenary. Sorry for the trouble, everyone!
  129. Hey! Come fight alongside me.
  130. Sorry! I could use a hand...
  131. Please fight by my side!
  132. I'm so sorry! Would you give me a hand?
  133. Only the lowliest grunt would give up here! I won't back down that easy!
  134. Our spirits are pretty low. We need to rally [cdb]fast or we'll be in trouble!
  135. Got it!
  136. Time to make a name for myself!
  137. Haha, too easy!
  138. I hope that works.
  139. Ugh, what a mess.
  140. No, everything's ruined!
  141. Mission success!
  142. Well that didn't work. Sorry, everyone.
  143. Here I go!
  144. Yeah!
  145. Unacceptable...
  146. Now what do we do?!