1. Me, fall that easily? Laughable.
  2. Despair in your powerlessness!
  3. Destiny unfurls.
  4. This outcome was obvious from the start.
  5. I will not tolerate interference!
  6. This belongs to us now.
  7. That turned out rather well.
  8. Very good.
  9. You are naïve if you think you can defeat me.
  10. Are you all right, Flayn? Perhaps now you [cdb]will cease this foolishness.
  11. Forgive me, Rhea. I never imagined it would [cdb]come to this.
  12. You must be more vigilant. Your negligence is [cdb]your weak spot.
  13. <<<EMPTY>>>
  14. <<<EMPTY>>>
  15. <<<EMPTY>>>
  16. <<<EMPTY>>>
  17. <<<EMPTY>>>
  18. <<<EMPTY>>>
  19. How disgraceful. Do you seek to bring [cdb]shame to your order?
  20. I have not fallen so low as to be defeated by [cdb]the likes of you!
  21. <<<EMPTY>>>
  22. <<<EMPTY>>>
  23. <<<EMPTY>>>
  24. You would be wise to stay down!
  25. I do not have time for this.
  26. This does not indicate my strength, but rather [cdb]my enemies' weakness.
  27. I am not one to boast, but if I can contribute, [cdb]so much the better.
  28. I can endure, but for how much longer?
  29. I never imagined...I would struggle so...
  30. You have my gratitude.
  31. Thank you.
  32. <<<EMPTY>>>
  33. <<<EMPTY>>>
  34. Exemplary.
  35. You are in fine form!
  36. <<<EMPTY>>>
  37. <<<EMPTY>>>
  38. Your tenacity impresses.
  39. Most impressive, Flayn! You make me proud.
  40. You are everything one could expect from [cdb]an archbishop.
  41. Clearly they do not call you Thunder Catherine for nothing.
  42. Conduct befitting a Knight of Seiros. Keep up [cdb]the good work.
  43. <<<EMPTY>>>
  44. <<<EMPTY>>>
  45. <<<EMPTY>>>
  46. <<<EMPTY>>>
  47. <<<EMPTY>>>
  48. You have made me keenly aware of my age. I can hardly keep up.
  49. Please be careful, Flayn! I cannot bear the [cdb]thought of losing you.
  50. Use my friend's power wisely, and it will serve [cdb]you well.
  51. <<<EMPTY>>>
  52. <<<EMPTY>>>
  53. The power you wield is extraordinary.
  54. A magnificent achievement. I daresay no one [cdb]can compare.
  55. Amazing. Your power has exceeded my wildest [cdb]expectations.
  56. I cannot believe you've had to fight this [cdb]much... I must strive to do better myself!
  57. Surely this is the second coming of Saint Seiros [cdb]herself.
  58. Your unparalleled bravery serves as an [cdb]example to us all.
  59. You are truly the epitome of a Knight of Seiros! Never cease striving for excellence.
  60. Your power is unfathomable. Care to show [cdb]me more?
  61. Flayn... No, there is nothing that needs to be [cdb]said. I will continue supporting you as best I can!
  62. You have come so far. I am certain my friend [cdb]would be delighted as well.
  63. <<<EMPTY>>>
  64. <<<EMPTY>>>
  65. I will not stand for this.
  66. Clearly we need to stay vigilant.
  67. Interesting. Perhaps you would like to try your [cdb]luck against me.
  68. I will put an end to this charade!
  69. A troublesome foe indeed... How am I to [cdb]deal with this?
  70. Bring it down quickly.
  71. As long as I stand, so too shall this stronghold!
  72. That location is in great peril.
  73. A key location has fallen. The battle is lost.
  74. Stay out of my way!
  75. It is pointless to resist!
  76. Do not oppose me if you do not wish to suffer.
  77. Are you prepared to face defeat?
  78. I could never live down being bested by [cdb]a child like you!
  79. Please, stop this, Flayn! Have you forgotten [cdb]who I am?!
  80. We are to meet in battle then, Archbishop? So be it. Have at you!
  81. You have one serious flaw. I will make it [cdb]abundantly clear to you here and now!
  82. Knight of Seiros! Show me your resolve!
  83. I shall exterminate you like the vermin [cdb]you are.
  84. Rhea... No, words will not serve us now!
  85. <<<EMPTY>>>
  86. <<<EMPTY>>>
  87. <<<EMPTY>>>
  88. That should be sufficient.
  89. I can go no further... I'm sorry, everyone...
  90. I shall not forget this transgression!
  91. I must retreat for now and see how the [cdb]situation unfolds.
  92. I have business to attend to. I shall leave things [cdb]in your capable hands!
  93. I can provide assistance if need be.
  94. Let us approach this methodically...
  95. It is time to return to battle! Attack!
  96. My apologies for the delay. Returning to the [cdb]front lines.
  97. I have lived many years...yet there was still [cdb]more I wished to do...
  98. Victory is ours for the taking!
  99. We will not accept defeat.
  100. We shall show them our valor.
  101. We will not abandon the living. It is our duty [cdb]to save them!
  102. The enemy will be upon us before long. We must eliminate them.
  103. There is no shame in retreat... Provided our escape is successful!
  104. My life has seen many battles, but none so [cdb]crucial as this.
  105. You can count on me.
  106. Do not falter, for I am here with you.
  107. Utterly ridiculous. I will strike you down.
  108. We shall see how long that confidence lasts.
  109. A predictable outcome.
  110. This is the strength of our convictions!
  111. Cherish the life we have saved for you.
  112. Fools. Never show your faces here again.
  113. We have avoided disgrace. A fine display of [cdb]athleticism by all.
  114. Victory is ours... Perhaps now we will finally [cdb]know peace.
  115. We must have made some mistakes...
  116. I have failed you all. Please, forgive me.
  117. We may have the upper hand, but we must [cdb]remain vigilant.
  118. We must turn this situation around somehow.
  119. The way is clear. Let us proceed.
  120. An impasse? How vexing.
  121. We must press onward.
  122. Are you in need of my assistance?
  123. I am on my way!
  124. Move out!
  125. An ally is in need! Go to their aid!
  126. You must rescue them!
  127. I leave this defense to you.
  128. What a disaster. My apologies, but I require [cdb]assistance.
  129. Let us overcome this together.
  130. I may need...your help...
  131. <<<EMPTY>>>
  132. <<<EMPTY>>>
  133. We will show them the folly of [cdb]underestimating us!
  134. We cannot give in. We may still yet rally!
  135. Shall we?
  136. I must succeed!
  137. Directive fulfilled.
  138. My work here is done.
  139. I am not sure what went wrong.
  140. I was not up to the task.
  141. We succeeded without incident.
  142. This may cause trouble down the road.
  143. Let us begin!
  144. Success!
  145. How unfortunate.
  146. What a conundrum...