- Stay out of my way if you wanna live!
- <<<EMPTY>>>
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- <<<EMPTY>>>
- <<<EMPTY>>>
- Capture complete!
- This stronghold is ours now!
- <<<EMPTY>>>
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- <<<EMPTY>>>
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- <<<EMPTY>>>
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- <<<EMPTY>>>
- <<<EMPTY>>>
- <<<EMPTY>>>
- <<<EMPTY>>>
- <<<EMPTY>>>
- <<<EMPTY>>>
- Attack! Don't give 'em a chance to retaliate!
- We'll keep this place safe!
- <<<EMPTY>>>
- <<<EMPTY>>>
- <<<EMPTY>>>
- <<<EMPTY>>>
- <<<EMPTY>>>
- <<<EMPTY>>>
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- <<<EMPTY>>>
- <<<EMPTY>>>
- <<<EMPTY>>>
- <<<EMPTY>>>
- <<<EMPTY>>>
- <<<EMPTY>>>
- A successful mission!
- We can't let it end like this...
- Is that all we've got?
- We'll get them for this, I swear!
- Sorry, but we gotta fall back for now.
- Sorry for the wait! Help has arrived!
- Looks like we got a live one! Time to get in
[cdb]there and fight!
- Time for some payback!
- And I'm back! Nice job holding out, everyone!
- But...I'm too young...to die...
- Everyone, advance!
- I don't care who you are! No mercy!
- <<<EMPTY>>>
- <<<EMPTY>>>
- We'll defend until the bitter end!
- Stay sharp! Keep those eyes and ears open!
- We're making history here, people!
- <<<EMPTY>>>
- <<<EMPTY>>>
- <<<EMPTY>>>
- <<<EMPTY>>>
- I'm proud to have fought alongside you all.
- <<<EMPTY>>>
- <<<EMPTY>>>
- <<<EMPTY>>>
- <<<EMPTY>>>
- <<<EMPTY>>>
- <<<EMPTY>>>
- <<<EMPTY>>>
- The winds have shifted in our favor!
- Hold strong, everyone! Don't let fear get the
[cdb]better of you!
- <<<EMPTY>>>
- <<<EMPTY>>>
- Let's move out!
- We'll provide support!
- Let me help you!
- <<<EMPTY>>>
- <<<EMPTY>>>
- <<<EMPTY>>>
- <<<EMPTY>>>
- I need some help...
- I don't suppose you could lend a hand?
- We need some help, and fast!
- Requesting assistance!
- We need backup!
- Now we can really show 'em what we're
[cdb]made of!
- Nothing we can't handle! Uh...right?
- Let's see if this plan works!
- <<<EMPTY>>>
- <<<EMPTY>>>
- <<<EMPTY>>>
- <<<EMPTY>>>
- <<<EMPTY>>>
- That went off without a hitch!
- We failed?! I'm sorry...
- OK, let's go!
- Not bad.
- Not my best work...
- We can't ignore that!