1. Abominable creatures. I will [cdb]give you the burial you deserve!
  2. Look out!
  3. Look out!
  4. I will not allow you to sully this sacred place!
  5. Then die along with it!
  6. <<<EMPTY>>>
  7. It's gonna fall!
  8. It's gonna fall!
  9. This way!
  10. There's no way they could've survived that.
  11. Well then, just one thing left.
  12. Well then, just one thing left.
  13. Must we do this now?
  14. But I suppose you earned it. Just this once.
  15. At last, Fódlan has been freed from that which bound it. Today marks a momentous new chapter in its history.
  16. And we shall be its authors.