1. Don't I already do enough chores with you at home?
  2. Bad luck this time. Come, it'll go quicker if you don't [cdb]spend so long complaining.
  3. <<<EMPTY>>>
  4. <<<EMPTY>>>
  5. A fine result, in spite of ourselves. Perhaps this is the [cdb]power of a father-son team.
  6. What are you even saying? Actually, never mind. Let's just get this over with.
  7. This is delicious! Why are you looking at me like [cdb]that, Felix? I won't share my portion with you, [cdb]if that's what you're wondering.
  8. I don't want your scraps, old man. I swear, [cdb]sometimes...
  9. <<<EMPTY>>>
  10. <<<EMPTY>>>
  11. A nice sparring session should shake some of the rust [cdb]off these old bones. I only hope becoming duke hasn't [cdb]dulled your blade.
  12. Worry about yourself, old man. Let's do this!